If I had only one talent to wish upon
my Grandchildren, I would hope that they
would be good readers. Reading is a joyful
pastime and nothing compares to the benefits
gained. When I went to College I often, heard
fellow students cry about having to read
several chapters each evening. It was not
problem for me as I have been excellent reading since Mrs. Atchley lit that spark in my soul
when I was in the 4th grade. I could read before
that but she introduced me to the joy I could
find there.
Here are three of the books I am reading.
Where did I put my Glases? is about memory
loss. Martha Lear wrote it. I have been
trying to finish it for 3 months, but am
only half way through it...I can't remember
to finish it and it just lays on the table.
I think John McCain could benefit from the
book. He should read it, but I would venture
to guess that he is not a reader. What do
you think?
I finished the Hemingses of Monticello -- An
American Family last weekend. Annette Gordon-Reed
wrote this book about the entire Hemings family.
I have read several other books about Sally
Hemings and Jefferson. I really enjoyed the
book. Jefferson believed that the black race
was inferior to the white. He thought that
mixing white blood with the black improved
the intelligence of the blacks. If a person
in VA was born to a mixed race mother, he
was black. Sally's grandmother was black.
Her mother was half black/half white. She was
3/4 white and her Hemings children had a white
father...go figure...how much black, but they
were slaves.
The third book and the one I am reading now is
My Father's Paradise-- A son's search for his
Jewish past in Kurdish Iraq. It is by Ariel
Sabar. It is about a man born in CA who grew
up like a beach boy. His father was professor
at UCLA. When Ariel becomes a father, he
decides to discover his father's roots. His
father moved from the hills of Iraq to Isreal
to the USA. He grew up speaking the language
of Jesus. It is a very interesting book.
I enjoyed taking the history and news quizes
that Fleta posted. I enjoy reading a good
book. I enjoy drinking black coffee in the
early morning when most of the world sleeps.
I enjoy my sister's blogs and my children's.
I enjoy going for a long walk and that is
where I am off to now!