
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today is two years since brother left. His memory is strong still, but I stuggle to hear him laughing and telling that story...I do...This poem by Dobyns says it best!
Trying to remember you
is like carrying water
in my hands a long distance
across sand. Somewhere
people are waiting.
They have drunk nothing for days.
Steve Dobyns

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message
He is dead!
W. H. Auden

Blue Birds

I have Blue birds in this little house and you can see the Lilac I moved in the back ground. It is a white one. I have some of Mom's purple ones at my other house. I hope I can get a start of those here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Book with Answers in It!

Every teacher needs a book with all the answers in it. I am sending Casey one!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blaming The Crows

It rained here all night and part of yesterday. My green beans came up some time ago. But there were bare spots. I blamed the crows thinking they went down the rows pulling up my beans for dinner. But as you can see there are some little white specks in the rows. Those are beans just now sprouting. I guess it was just too dry for them in spots. I have 5 rows of sweet corn out and I think this rain will bring it threw the soil!

Bantam Boogie

Charlee Sistruck doing the Bantam Boogie

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Green Beans

My potatoes are doing good. Green onions are too. My green beans are up. I plan to plant corn and tomatoes next. I have Beef Steak Tomatoes.


No stump is safe when you have a back hoe. This looked like one stump. When Larry finally got them out there were 4 there. There are still several stumps left in the yard from trees that have been cut long ago. They will be a bad memory by fall.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Side Shed

Larry is almost finished with the side shed on the garage. We will tear off the one in back and redo it after this is finished. The back one will connect to the side sheds. I want a swing under this side of the shed.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Iris in the Fence Row

An Iris bloomed in the fence row
for me to enjoy today
and I am sharing it
with you
to enjoy today!

Our own Census Consultant

I received two census what should I do? Well, I called Agent G. H. Aday for analysis of the situation and it was resolved with a tip from the official census checker. I merely returned both forms...more aid for Pottsville!

Sick Chicken?

Dr. Poor, is this chicken sick or just losing feathers and they will come back. The chicken I lost looked like this before she croaked.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting Fat

Patsy, this is my little flock. I put the dog running out in a crate and let them out. Today when I got home at 4 they were ready for their greens. I got 13 eggs today. I only have 5 of the big hens. One died last winter. I have a little hen that may have a problem. I may post a photo and see what Dr. Poor thinks is wrong.

Not As Brave As Fleta

Fleta was always the brave one. I would talk her into trying something first. Well, she has tomatoes and peppers out already. I will wait at least until weekend. I have some tomatoes but they are still on the porch. I have green onions, potatoes, squash, and Blue Lake green beans planted...2 rows of green beans. I am going to put out a row of tomatoes and maybe peppers. Peppers make me sick so I may not plant many (selfish self). I want to plant at least 4 rows of corn. I will not have room for watermelons and cantaloupe... unless we till a new spot.

I have been pulling green onions. They make me sick too, but Larry loves them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Iris in the Fence Row

This Iris is so pretty...I was tempted to pick it...but you can see those buds. I will wait for a bouquet.

Lilac Blooming

This is my white Lilac. It is starting to bloom.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Casey Poor Wade

Patsy's granddaughter will graduate from College this month. What a fete! I want to congratulate her and if anyone wants to send her a little me and I will send you her address. I am so proud of her. So proud for Tony, her dad.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Birds in the Meadow

Astrid and I filmed the two birds in the meadow grass. The
gun fire in the background is my neighbor target shooting.


Helen sent Clayton the quilt behind him. It is the best quilt in the world. I wonder, Helen, could I have one.

Flowering Crab Apple

I have 2 Crab Apples on either side of the front has dead limbs in it. I have bought stuff to kill the bag worms. Also, hope it will help my Pecan tree. I have 3 Walnut trees and one Pecan.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Bar Codes...

If the first 3 digits of the barcode are
690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA . 471 is Made in Taiwan .

Manufacturers don't always show from which country a product is made.
However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits are:
00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA
30 - 37
40 - 44 ... GERMANY
47 ... Taiwan
50 ... UK

690-695 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA .