
Monday, November 29, 2010

Clayton and Greta

Stole these from Erin's facebook page. They sure look ready for Santa Claus.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I think we like what we are used to and if you take a little time to get used to another way, you will find you like it, too. I use the google browser and I like it best. I have been using it for well over a year. I also use it at school.

I can use the mouse on the lap top, but I do not like a laptop. Why? I have never used it enough to let it me my favorite. Most youngsters prefer laptops and if I used one all the time, I am sure I would too. I use ours to get on the internet and that is all. I have a larger keyboard than Fleta and I still have trouble typing on it!

Granny Renfroe preferred cooking on a wood stove to her electric one! That about gives a comparison to young and old folks. She said she could control the temperature better on her wood stove!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Five to be Thankful For!

I am thankful for: Greta, Clayton, Sigrid, Ingrid, and Astrid! They are all previous! Clayton got a bunch of Halloween outfits from the Christiansen Attic Store! He loved being a dog. The big girls loved holding the little girl.

Happy Thanksgiving

Falling Water--Dec. 2003--a lot more water then. Hope all have a great day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

31 Today

Happy Birthday, Erin! Have a great day cooking for us for tomorrow!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Siggie told her mother she was named after Cigarettes!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lake's Almost Dry

The Lake at our end is very dry. Need a good rain, not just a little sprinkle.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Helping Hands

Helen is helping Debbie with her shirt. I see Clayton and Angie on the dresser and the oil lamp Larry gave Momma. Fleta bought this little instant camera and we thought it was the best. What we did not know was the photos would all fade.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yelp, We Ate It!

This deer may have been corn fed as some folks have feeders, but I would bet it ate a bunch of my peas and okra! Now is pay back time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

yelp, We killed Him!

Jack woke us barking at the possum in the persimmon tree. Jack barked good and hard. And....Patsy, yelp, we killed it! Had to reward Jack!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember When?

We picked up walnuts and put them in tow sacks and sold them. I remember us putting them in the road to be hulled. I picked up a half a wheel barrow full and put them in the drive to let them get hulled by the car tires. I must pick up the rest as a bunch have fell again. I have 3 walnut trees. Wonder if you can sell walnuts today? Fleta could pick some up in the holler going down to the big pond. I saw a bunch of trees there.

Youth Hunting

This girl is the daughter of one of my friends at school. She bagged a buck.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Buy Lard

Got to thinking about what Winnie said..........a Republican may have wrote that book. lol

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Book To Read

I just finished In the President's Secret Service by Ronald Kessler. Kennedy was a womanizer. We all knew that. Johnson was sickening. I knew that. Nixon's wife was a sot. They found her crawling around in the bushes, drunk and lost, not able to fine the door. Nixon was just as I thought he was. Jimmy Carter is a fake. he would carry his own bag until the crowd could not see him and then make someone else carry it. he came to work early and slept 2 more hours in his chair. If there was left over food, he would not let the secret service have even a bite. Amy would wad up an entire sleeve of saltines in the floor and tell them to clean it up or else. Rosalyn was nice though. She is smarter than Jimmy. Barbara Bush and Laura Bush were both nice and polite and very accommodating. Ronald Reagan was as nice as he seemed on scene. His wife was a witch. I enjoyed the book. Carter's info surprised me. I never realized he was that much of a fake. Oh, Obama is smoking as much as he ever had. Bill Clinton was a lovable boss. Hillary mean and hateful. Read the book. I enjoyed it.