
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Siggie Hates Banks!

Momma and the big girls went clothes shopping yesterday. Astrid likes clothes now. Guess she is of that age. Siggie did not want to go so she came over here. Immediately, she asked if we could watch a movie and I told her no tv on Saturday so she helped me clean. She dusted all the furniture with a feather duster I had. She worked hard so I gave her $5.00 and we rested. I read and she tried to put the USA puzzle together all by herself. After a while she enlightened me with--"Gigi, I hate banks". She was looking at her $5.00 as she said it. She explained to me that you take your money there and they take your money and that is it. Your money is gone! I explained you could go back and retrieve your money.

Laura said later she threw a fit to go to the bank and get all her money. She wanted to buy clothes for her dog!

Friday, August 26, 2011


I am tired and glad Friday got here. Been working 3 weeks, have 9 months to go. Same as time it takes to have a baby!

No more Benedryl for me. I sleep but feel horrible the next day.

Have washed two loads of clothes. Ready for Saturday chores.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gun Safe

Erin sent this picture by phone and I can't get it to turn upright, but Greg got a new gun safe. I think it is a good thing with Clayton around.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Remembering Mama

The floor in the kitchen of this old house is a linoleum and it is over 50 years old. It has big holes in it and I put plastic yellow tape over them. There about 20 big holes in the linoleum. I have been here almost 2 years and it is so nasty. I hope someday I can get something new in there. Fleta reminded me of how Mama mopped the floor with washing powders and bleach and how she did it more than one time if it were real dirty. Well, that is what I did and the water was just mud and I fixed more water and did it again, more mud. I plan to do this again next weekend. I will have to buy a new mop as I wore that one out. Remember how Daddy was throw cigarette butts on the stove board and Mama had to clean it all up. More than anything in the world she wanted a clean house. When I was scrubbing that floor, I kept thinking of my Mama and I do miss her.

Sunday Morning Coming Down

I am broke out in rash on my arms neck and back. Itches so bad. Laura said it was nerves. Been like this since school started and thought maybe it was the tuna sandwich but have not had any tuna this week and still rashing and itchy. Big red whelps. I must be just like Patsy. She said she can't eat fish and she gets whelps.

Our pond is filling up. It rained a little last night but seemed to only get hotter in the night.

i know the bomb in Japan was awful for them. But Daddy was on Iwo and the War might have gone on and on. Harry put an end to it. Daddy came home. Patsy's friend ME was talking about Enola Gray and I thought well without it Fleta and I might not be here and Daddy could have been a casulty like Tommy Ratzlaff. Momma might have married a second time and Patsy might have had a mean step father. See how my mind wanders.
Enola Gray, Enola Gray
Stopped 'em keeping Daddy away.
I am glad Harry dropped that bomb
'cause my Daddy got to come home.

Roll That Burden On Me

Wish I could find this song by the Kendells. I love the words.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Washing A Load Of Clothes Before Work

I am washing a load of clothes before work and will hang them on my clothes line and still be off down the road by 7:15. This is a little different than what my Momma did when she had to wash a load. Someone sent this to me and I am sharing it with you...

Never thought of a "washer" in this light before... What a blessing!

"Warshing Clothes Recipe" - imagine having a recipe for this!!! Years ago an Alabama grandmother gave the new bride the following recipe: This is an exact copy as written and found in an old scrapbook - with spelling errors and all.

Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water. Set tubs so smoke wont blow in eyes if wind is pert. Shave one hole cake of lie soap in boilin water. Sort things, make 3 piles:
1 pile white,
1 pile colored,
1 pile work britches and rags.

To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water. Take white things, rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, and boil, then rub colored don't boil just wrench and starch. Take things out of kettle with broom stick handle, then wrench, and starch. Hang old rags on fence. Spread tea towels on grass. Pore wrench water in flower bed. Scrub porch with hot soapy water. Turn tubs upside down. Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs. Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.

Paste this over your washer and dryer.
Next time when you think things are bleak, read it again, kiss that washing machine and dryer, and give thanks. First thing each morning you should run and hug your washer and dryer, also your toilet - those two-holers used to get mighty cold!
For you non-southerners - wrench means, rinse.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Help

I read The Help when it first came out. It is easy to read and enjoyable. I will let you know if the movie is as good.

I have been working on my web site for Galla Feists as I could not sleep. This is a big day for Larry and I. He gets his first social security check today!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Three Girls Start School

We all made it through the first day of school. I took Siggie and Ingrid a Twix bar after school. They seemed to have had a good day. Astrid has to change classes 8 times during the day. I bet she was a little frazzled....but it will go easier after she is used to her routine! My day went just fine. I think what was wrong with me was mercury poison. Honest. I tried to eat tuna again and I am very allergic to it. I think I had mercury poison. I will try to not eat tuna again. But like Helen I love it and it is tempting.

I am going to do something different Sat. afternoon. My friend that has retired called and asked it I would go see the Help with her at the movies. We are going to the Matinee. I have not been to a movie in 15 to 20 years.

Take care Sisters. Larry said it was supposed to get hot again. Pooh! I was enjoying the nice weather. Wednesday is a big day for us...if Obama signs his check Larry gets his FIRST soc. security payment.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Clayton's New Bed Cover

Clayton has new covers for his bed. Sure lools snazzy!

Building Web Site

Not only did my computer tear up. Centurylink lost my dog site. It had been at brenfroe for almost 20 years. There was a huge amount of stuff there. I wasn't going to build a new one, but how would we publish all these Feists. I bought a 2 year space from a place called i page.
Sister helped me get started or I could not have got this new site going. It is not nearly all there. but some so why don't you click on the link and try it.
Galla Feists
This photo is Ohio Chief. I have a skeleton of my old site and most of my pictures so in about 20 years we can have a nice Feist page again!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Busy Day

Saturday is a busy day for those who are employed. I will wash my sheets and all the other clothes. I will have 3 loads--sheets, colors and whites. I will probably be able to hang the clothes on my nice clothes line my husband fixed for me.

It was nice and cool. Laura ran about 4 miles and I walked three miles this morning. I will go to the grocery store about 8:30. I don't do well with crowded stores and I need to go early while everyone else is still asleep.

I have my new computer up and going. I will have to have smartest sister help me with the ftp setup.

I am so glad Kelly fixed Patsy's air. The older you get the more you need it to be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. I feel just like Patsy. I struggle with keeping my house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Seems like I am hot all summer and cold all winter. Glad I do not live where Winnie does. I think the winter would be much worse.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finally Friday

Tomorrow is Friday and I am ready...will really be tired next week with the kids coming. Say a little prayer for my survival!

Pop's last day to watch the girls is tomorrow. I know he will miss them next week.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day. I got home about 4 and it was only 85. Larry had windows open and house was getting aired out!

Girls get to stay outside all day with Pop. That is where he stays. I got here before Eric. One was swinging on the rope swing. One was reading her book sitting in one of Pop's tractor seats. Sigrid was running around playing.

I hope all my sisters got to be outside some today. I was indoors working on curriculum and learning about google apps. My entire school is using google not ie. I made it just fine in the workshops as I have been using google for probably 5 years. My problem now is ....I can not comment on any blog at school as I am logged in on my school google email. I will have to log in and out to comment. I think Pat's blog is set up so I can comment unknown. I may not comment as much...but I will read. I read yours today at school, Helen. Patsy, could not read yours as it was an old post.

This afternoon we worked on curriculum alignment. I am a guru at that so...really it was just time spent. I presented this afternoon in our group of 15 to 20 people and that does not bother me anymore. I have talked in front of groups a lot. I still get nervous if I have to speak in a mike but not just talking in front of folks.

Tomorrow we get to work on our own stuff. Also Friday. Then Monday the kids come.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day One

Today was day one of my contract. 180something days to go. It will be better when the weather cools. The heat just zaps you.

My desk top computer is tore up and it is probably the mother board. I may just get A NEW machine. It was full of dust...I should have been taking the side off and cleaning it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tractor Fix Up

Larry is working on refurbishing one of his tractors. He works on it out in the 100 plus heat. He has primered the hood. It will be white. Today he power washed all this yellow and he will paint it back yellow. This tractor is a Farm All Cub.

I am in the house!

Friday, August 5, 2011


My workshop was very boring, but i did not complain. I would look at my watch now and then to much longer it would last. I kept my mouth shut and smiled at the presenter. I have learned a lot in 40 years of teaching. One thing is 'don't ask questions' in a big meeting. Nothing is more irritating when you are wanting something to be over than an idiot asking questions making the entire thing last longer. Even worse making suggestions and talking to hear yourself speak! OMG that is the worst. Finally, arguing...please please just shut up so we can move on along. The presenter has so many pts. to cover so all this stuff just takes up more time. And please, pretty please no 'brown nosing' that makes everyone want to puke. My style--no questions, no extra blabber, no sucking up, and no disagreeing. I say do all those things on your own time.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cooler Weather is around the Corner!

I was thinking this morning after the sprinkle that cooler weather is just around the corner. I took this picture yesterday of one of my poor little Blue birds. I refill the water in the bath each morning. Once he was sitting in the water but I did not catch a picture of it. Here his beak is open like he is about to cry and that is just the way I felt yesterday. On my second trip to the chicken pen I found my Red Patsy hen dead in the house. So sad. Those big hens don't live a long life like the Banties. I was trying to remember when I got them from Patsy and I am sure it was 4 summers ago.

My friend from school won $49.000 at Oaklawn playing some poker game. He will be at my meeting tomorrow. He said Obama and his friends at Washington took 13,000 of it to help with the debt problem. But I am thinking he will have enough left for my lunch tomorrow....but last time we had this Cohort meeting they served us an AR TECH lunch of a sandwich and chips. If that is the case, I plan to make sure that he holds back enough cash to buy my lunch after school starts. Erin if you are wondering who the lucky winner's Coach Fish!

I guess Helen is debt free. What a great feeling it must be. She is living fine in her little apartment. I think the old ladies next door keep their air turned low so Helen reaps the benefits as the cool air around her lets her keep her thermostat turned up a little!

I sure wish Fleta's deer would slip up to her house and graze on her garden like deer rats do here and then she would understand why I really don't like them. They are tick mfg. plants too. They are full of ticks that fall off everywhere...yuck, yuck.

You may not hear from me tomorrow until the afternoon. I have to be at AR TECH at 8:00 in the morning. On the mornings I do not walk with Laura at that time I am still in my nighties!

Love you Sisters!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today it was 114 here. Inside you can see it was 82. Not really cool. But at least we are alive. I lost one of the red hens Patsy gave me a few years ago. I had 6 and now only 2 are surviving. She probably had a heart attack from the extreme heat.

Pictures By Phone

Erin sends pictures by her phone. She takes them with the phone and sends them from the phone. I have no idea about all the phone ~ internet stuff. We have a cell phone but only use it when we go somewhere and think we might need to call Laura. I tell folks don't call my cell phone as I don't leave it turned on!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another Play

Our three girls have gone to Nebraska for 3 days, but before they left they came over and put on another play for us. Astrid had 3 roles...Mrs. Johnson a teacher with an unruly class, Mrs. Black a substitute teacher and Mr. Inspector, a detective. Ingrid and Sigrid were two bratty kids in Mrs. Johnson's Class. It was a great play. I bet it was better than the Closer, Helen