Sigrid wanted to climb this tree like her sisters. Pop fixed a way. She says now she is coming over to see us everyday. What a blessing. She loves her Pop.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
New Ride
Monday, December 26, 2011
Another Puzzle Pieced
Larry started this puzzle. I told him it give the girls something to do when they came over. Well, Astrid came and stayed overnight last week and finished the puzzle about 1:30 a m. It did not last all week. She is about the greatest puzzle piecer we know. She gets her ability from Pop and Aunt Erin.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
New Mail Carrier
This mail carrier is bringing my mail to my back door. She informs the dogs that they don't know her because of her disguise--boots, hat, and gloves!
Merry Christmas
Another year is about over. Tomorrow we will enjoy a big meal with Laura and Erin's families. Then after Christmas is over, I must find a vehicle as we sold my Toyota truck. Hopefully, before Jan. 4 I can find something to drive. Siggie finally said I could ride with her and her mother if i don't find a truck.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Perfect Grandkids
I guess you know, Sisters, my Grandgirls are perfect and Clayton is too. This week over across the Meadow, the two big girls locked the bedroom door and would not let the little one in. I recall Fleta and I doing similar to Helen. They even lied and told her they were making her a Christmas present. She did not buy that. She continued to go back and knock on the door. They continued to ignore her and finally she slipped them a little message through the crack at the bottom of the door. Yes, her Dad had a talk with her about surely she was sorry for this action to which she responded that she was not sorry. They were mean and she was mad.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Year Ago
Friday, December 16, 2011
Old Blue At New Home
We bought this blue Ford in about 1988 or 89. Larry decided to sell it and put it on Craig's list. The man came from Huntsville saying he would take it. Larry explained about bringing cash. Well, when he returned he had some cash and a check on a bank in Alaska. We may be hillbillies but Larry said if that check is no good, I will be traveling to Alaska to try and get my money....he kept our tractor and sent him on his way. We thought that was the last of him, but about a week later he came back with the money and ole Blue has a new home. Tractors hold their value. Larry got about what we paid for it all that time ago.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Our Friends Dogs
I guess this photo would be called piggy back. The dogs belong to one of our friends. I like those little dogs more and more as I get older!
It is warmer here this week, but the air is damp so my knees hurt so badly. I am up early and drinking my coffee. There was not much of interest in the paper. I watched C. Clinton on the news last night. Not much to say about that either.
I have this week and two days next and then I will be off for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
My Tree For Real
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Pumpkin Pie for Her Birthday
Friday, December 9, 2011
Resting My Knee
Today I am staying home and resting my knee. I go out early each morning and get the state paper, drink my coffee and read what interests me. Today it should get in the 50s here and when I went out it was cold but no piercing wind. You can see my paper box in the corner of this picture. There is a side walk leading to it, easy access! I hope all my Sisters have a good day. Tomorrow Ingrid is 10!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Persimmon Seed
Old Timers say if persimmons have a spoon, fork, or knife it tells something of the winter to come. My persimmons this year all have a spoon which is supposed to signal a lot of snow. A knife means cold, cold that cuts like a knife and if they have a fork inside the winter will be mild. All the fruit has the same symbol each year. I am confused though and wonder it the spoon might be to bail water. As we had another flooding rain this week. What do you think?