
Friday, June 29, 2012

The Chef

Siggie made me a loaf of banana bread. It is really good. Every chef needs a hat.

My Two Chicks

I had 3 chicks and the black one died. Siggie took it home in a box and tried to save it but it died. She said ' "I understand the life cycle, Gigi". We are going to have some baby chickens in about a month, but this rooster is old and I don't think all the eggs will be fertile. Larry says NO big chickens will be hatched. He likes the banties the best. I want some of the ones that lay colored eggs as Siggie would like them.

Siggie and I have planned that I can bring her lunch once at week at her school. She said once in a while bring Pop!

Tomatoes Staked

Larry staked my tomatoes. I water them with the well water he fixed every morning. I watered them for 15 min. He fixed me a drip system to water them. I am getting tomatoes now. Not a lot are ripe but enough for us to have them to eat each night.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Negative Scanner

Erin bought a scanner that will scan negatives. I have a box of them that belonged to Larry's Mom. She had 5 in the last box of photos she took. These two are Larry with his little brother--1955. I can't wait to take her the box. Tomorrow Clayton will be 4. Other Clayton will be 68 on his birthday.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Melon Vine Carpet

Melons are growing but it was 108 today. Does not do a lot of good to water them.

Bully Birds

I have too many Black birds and they are what I call bully birds. I have Larry shooting them. They keep my Cardinals and other birds chased from my feeders. Even the Blue Jays can't come to the feeders.

Yesterday, my woodpecker came around he was trying to catch a bee that went in this bird house. I have not been seeing him as I guess the Black birds had been chasing him away. I want a good air bb gun and I think I can help thin out the Black birds, too.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Remember Frogging

I remember Clayton and Richard going to gig frogs in the summer and Momma cooking them in the skillet after they came home. It was usually after midnight. They were really good. This boy's father bought one of our Feists. He takes his two older boys frogging in Mississippi.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pictures By Phone

Erin found a new location to take pictures. It is an old abandoned church. Clayton is not crazy about picture taking.
Sigrid's sisters rented bikes in FL. This is the one she chose!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Melon Sounds Good today!

These pictures are several days old...melons bigger now. He waters them nightly. One of these is a Black Diamond and the other a Charleston Gray.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Puzzle Man

Clayton loves putting puzzles together just like Pop and Astrid do. Erin helped just a little, but Clayton is really good at puzzles. He will soon be 4 years old.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sigrid and Greta

Sigrid is spending money in Florida. She bought herself some red boots. You can tell she really likes them. Below you can see Greta does love corn!

Guess too much aspirin.

I have been taking two aspirin for my knees. Guess I will take nothing. I barely touched my arm and all this blood gushed under the skin.

I got an email from Patsy Gardner. She lives in FL and works at the post office. She lives with her son and has her mother down there too!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sights Today

Larry's melon is really growing....then here is Laura's Canna. I took these on my morning stroll. At bottom the Martins I love. They will be here until August. No mosquitoes here.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fun in the Sun

Laura resting. Shell Astrid found on the beach. I think the girls are looking for shells. They are found most abundantly in the morning as the tide goes out. Each day the tide brings new ones in for searchers to find. Astrid rises early and she and Laura go search. They are at Captivia if anyone wants to see where it is.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunshine and her family

are in the sunshine state. Hope they have a great time. Miss them already.

Well, maybe 30 days!

This watermelon doubled in size overnight. I can't believe they grow that fast.
Also, saw first cantaloupe. Larry has 3 vines of cantaloupe.

In 45 days....

we will have a watermelon feast. I want Greta to come so I can see her eat one!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

4 Sisters

This was summer 1979--I know because Erin was born that November. I think it was Daddy's birthday!