
Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Laura

Laura was a Brownie and I had her wear this. I said "well, it is the correct color". Laura did not have everything she wanted growing up. She may have wanted a 'real' brownie outfit but I don't think she was injured severely by not having one. Laura--if you would like a Brownie outfit...I will try to find you one now. We never liked the scouting experience. Tried it with Erin too. I guess we did not have very good leaders. Of course, I did not volunteer to be a leader!

Happy Birthday, Laura.

Also, happy first birthday to Alivia Jane Wade!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finch Found Feeder

Several months ago, I bought a Finch feeder. I have a bunch of House Finches and have seen a few yellow ones. But no Finch found the feeder. Yippee today the Yellow Finch found the seed feeder and he was thrilled. The Cardinals can not land on the feeder. They are too big. I hope he will tell all his friends and soon I have dozens of Yellow Finches! Sunflower seed is pretty expensive...but Finch feed costs lots more. Good thing is it takes them a long time to eat the seed.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ready for Isaac's Rain

There is supposed to be a big chance of rain so Larry cultivated my little garden. You can see the scratching plow he has on the cub. It sure looks better and maybe the rain will soak down into the ground to the roots of my plants.

Welsummer Bantam's Are Laying

The two eggs on the right are from my new hens. The white egg is from my other Bantams and the dark egg is from the Golden Comet. The Welsummer eggs are a nice size. I have let my chickens out the last two days. Today I got 8 eggs where I had been getting 3 eggs. I think they are saying 'thank you'. This is a link I want to save so I am putting it here. I believe if I have this bad vein problem will be solved. For now I will continue with the blood thinner, but I hate taking meds.

Greta's Coming

Clayton is adjusting to school and Greta is missing his company at home. They are coming this weekend. Sept. 1 is Laura's birthday--38 and Alivia Jane--1! I hope Alivia is a blessing to her family as Laura has been in my life.

Friday I am going to Siggie's school for lunch! Astrid plays volleyball today and Thursday! We got a couple of little showers on our fall garden and a big rain is coming our way for Thursday and Friday they say!

September will be here this weekend. I plan to enjoy the month piddling and doing as I want. I have read a non fiction book about the Hatfields and McCoys. They made a movie out of the story of these fueders. The book documented all the epidsodes of the families. Wow, I knew of some of the stuff but not all. Now I have a new book about Bill Clinton and it is starting out interesting. Each chapter is about him and written by those who knew him. I am in Hope, AR now and the comments are from neighbors and relatives of his Grandparents who had a grocery store there in the black part of town.

When the light finally fills the outdoors, I am going to walk. It really helps my knees. They ached yesterday and today because of the moisture I suppose. Humidity causes them to hurt more...

Love you all and hope your day is filled with good things.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


This is how I feel. Fall is on it's way and I hope it is a beautiful one this year. We did not get the promised rain yesterday. Hope the big storm blows some up to my garden.

The greens are full of vitamin K and I can not eat them. I can eat the turnips.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Astrid and Friends

Astrid with some of her friends taken before her volleyball game.

I have noticed

a lot of the birds' feathers look rough. I think the heat and lack of rain has really played a toll on their looks. It is supposed to rain today, but so far just sort of cloudy with no rain. All my stuff is up so I hope it will rain on it today.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Go Astrid

Who is that girl spiking the ball over the net? Astrid that's who. Played her first game for her school and really showed out!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gone to Californie

This photo is of Larry's Dad and his family in the 1930s before they left Arkansas for California. I found them there in 1940...all doing farm labor in the San Joaquin Valley.

Brush Pile Is History

Got rid of one big brush pile today. Had to do a little water work around the edge to keep it contained but it all went well. No snakes crawled out either.
Every farm needs a place to pile brush and a hole dug to get rid of unwanted stuff.Wehave both here. We almost have the hole full and will soon cover it over. Someday some archaeologist will dig it up and wonder what kind of grave it was!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welsummer Banties

Larry bought me 9 new chickens. Six are Welsummer Bantie pullets about 4 or 5 months old and three are young hens. Aren't they pretty. They don't lay the dark cherry looking egg, just a lighter brown one. That one chicken is a Golden Comet. I only have 4 of those left. I have lost 2 this summer. They are getting older and they couldn't stand the heat.

Pictures from 1930s

Now that we can see the 1940 census, we can see that many of the families we knew took the same route as these folks trying to get to California where they might find a job and not starve to death. A picture truly is worth a 1000 words.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Clayton Tells about his first day!

Clayton went to pre-school today. It is the school he will attend kindergarten next year. Astrid, Ingrid, and Sigrid enjoyed their day. I heard Clayton say--I'll do the same thing when you leave me tomorrow--cry, cry, cry! Poor little fellow, but he does need to go to school!

Going To The Dogs!

My friend featured me in his column Sunday...I did not even know until someone called to tell me. Thanks, Coach Fisher for the kind words.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Look what Greg has been doing.
Erin sent a message that she is so pleased with all they have gotten done this weekend. They bought these cabinets off Craig's list, but Greg has to build a few and they will get doors or Greg will make them match. You can see she has her tile in and has a new ref and new microwave above the stove. She really wanted a pantry and she showed me how big it was by crawling in it.

I have a new plan when I knees hurt. I get up and walk somewhere. It works wonders. I walked to the lake and saw the geese and then in the front yard I noticed the Robins were back.

It was cooler today and I made corn bread in my Patsy can see it worked good. Did not stick and I think all the heating I have done with grease in has worked.
We have been blessed with a couple of rains and our garden is up. We put the stuff around it anew to keep the deer out. We got it at the Co-op. I think it was about $20 a sack. It worked last night. I heard Cora barking so I know the ugly varmits were out there. They stayed out of the garden

Quote of the Century From Paul Greenberg

This is Paul Greenberg...he writes an editorial column for the AR Demo Gazette. Today at the end of his article I read what I think is the quote of the century-- Read what he said below!
"Never underestimate a little girl from ....... Green Forest!"
Paul Greenberg August 19, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012


She's always ready to have a good time
To help a friend who is without a dime
It is her birthday and here's my wish
Hope she gets her favorite dish
And all good things come her way
Making it a special day!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hair Cuts

Girls got hair cuts for school. Siggie wanted bangs. Astrid just got the ends trimmed off. She was too sweaty for a photo after volleyball practice. Ingrid had 2 inches cut off and her hair thinned. Her hair is thick like Erin and Laura's .

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Siggie Comes Home

Sigrid had a grand time. Erin said it was not a lot of hassle either. She loved the drive through animal park and she had to feed every animal. But she said her favorite thing they did was play in the backyard. She is a simple girl. Clayton and Greta loved having company. They slept in the floor like we used to do when we had company.

Erin had to go around the world because of the slide at Jasper. Laura drove half way to met Erin to get Sigrid today. Erin had the part of the trip where the slide was but she said it really did not take too long to detour!