
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Birds Are Hungry

The birds are really hungry.  They eat the food in the feeders in just a day or two. 
Astrid put her hair up and inside the bun is a rolled up sock.  I think it looks neat.
The Christmas picture is of Clayton, Sigrid and Ingrid opening gifts.

Living Poor, Living Good!

Velvet shared this on her Blog and dedicated it to all the Sisters!  So I am know sort of like re-gifting a present!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Warm weather!

This is Falling Water long ago...Erin and Siggie look a little similar.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

When it is cold....I just want to cover up and stay warm.  I have read a couple of books and I have mostly just sat and wished it would warm up.  We only got a few inches of snow...but it is really cold and the snow is mostly all still here.

I am working on this throw for Astrid and after I finish I plan to try and make one for the rest of my kids.  Larry likes jigsaw puzzles.  Erin bought this one for him and he has completed in in one day as we are pretty much stuck inside.  

My new camera messed up again.  The display was black.  I thought "oh, I will have to call Fleta and ask what is the matter now!"  Then I noticed I had the lens cover on....small minds work in small ways.  I did tell Fleta what I had done and she did not seem surprised that my problem was a simple one.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tomorrow Is The Big Day

These two are supposed to come tomorrow if it does not snow them out!

Christmas Gifts

 Ingrid 's music box and some money to get what she wants.
 Siggie with her volleyball and Pop with his Rubic Cube.  Siggie wrapped it in that huge box to trick him.

 Sigrid with her thread.  She got a sewing box, not pictured.  Astrid's wooden box and money.

 I got a sweatshirt with my 3 rid girls on it. That is Astrid, Ingrid, and Sigrid--get the rid of it!   My arms were too short to get it in one photo and my hair is not green.  Pop really wanted this rubic cube.  He wants to 'solve' the code of it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cookies For Santa

Laura's girls always make these cookies for Santa and leave them out for him.  I want one to have with my coffee in the morning...but Siggie would say "Gigi, you are not Santa Claus!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Squirrels Resting In Dens

 We went to the woods.  Dogs treed some but we decided the squirrels knew a storm was brewing and had already went to bed.  But still it was a great day.  Nothing like being in the woods!

We saw an eagle and Larry stopped.  I used my camera zoom, but don't think I did that great.  However, no doubt it is an eagle.  He or she was sitting near a big pond (man made in forest) waiting for a fish.  You could tell he was fishing.  The camera said raise the made him move but got a few more pictures of him.

 This is a old car near the road.  First picture without zooming and second zooming in.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Got a virus in my email.  If you get an email from me delete it!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mary Sookie High

Sookie High Story

Click on that link and read the story written by Sookie High, Fred High's sister. It is a pdf file and pretty long so you may have to wait for it to open!

I really enjoyed it, but I like Fred's little books.  This is written as she wrote it.


Larry's friend knows I lived on a dairy farm at one time.  He sent me this little ditty and I am dedicating it to Clayton and Fleta as they remember the time we had the Holstein cows and had to milk all of them before school and in the afternoon.  I can honestly say...I have never milked a cow since I left home and hope I never have to again. I hated it!  Here's to Clayton and Fleta!

Carnation Milk is best of all
No tits to pull, no hay to haul
No buckets to wash, no sh?t to pitch
Just poke a hole in the son of a bi?ch!

Could not bring myself to fill in the gaps in those words...but Fleta and Clayton will know.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Squirrel Hunting Again

In a hole!  But the dogs sure hammered on this one.  It was another fun day.  Deer SEASON again this weekend so we can't go until next week.  Astrid plays basketball maybe Tuesday.  It was cloudy today so the squirrels were not stirring as good as yesterday.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Squirrel Hunting

Fleta, when you called, we were off in the squirrel woods. It was so much fun.  The dog with the red ears is young and this was her first trip.  You can tell she did great.   Her name is Viper. The white male is her father.  We are going again tomorrow.  We could not go in December hardly at all because of the sorry deer hunting.  We don't like to go until the leaves fall off the trees. I can't see and Larry can't either so we have trouble spotting the squirrel, especially up a pine tree.  We treed about 10 today and the afternoon just sped by.

I got the image viewer turned off on my camera.  Fleta, figure out how in the world I did it. I took it over to my red headed daughter and she finally got it back.  She said it had something to do with the video button.  I had about decided it was tore up, but deep down I knew I did something.

I got my book out and read and none of the buttons said they would turn off the screen so I guess it was the date! 12/13/12~ that 13 in the middle made it a bad luck day.

I sure hope, Fleta, you will figure out all about our camera so you can help me when I screw it up!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


My images will remain cockeyed as I do not want to use picasa!   So I will try to hold my camera straight!  That is all I know to do.  I can use my picture program and sometimes rename and it will post correctly.  I went to picasa and signed in and whew!  I had a slew of stuff they have stored there.

This is a trading post!  It is called Bear Meat Cabin!  It is in Alabama!

Scofield was a dispensationalist

Some believers are call dispensationalist.  The meaning from the root dispense--referring to how God deals with man.  They also believe God has two groups of "special"  individuals--one is the Church and the other Israel.  The 7 dispensations start with:
1.  innocence--this is the period of Adam and Eve in the garden--no sin!
2.  Conscience or knowledge--sinning and knowing it!  Up to Flood.
3.  Government--after the flood, man allowed to eat meat.  Death penalty used.
4.   Promise or hope--Abraham to Moses--getting the law--God makes covenant with Abraham's seed
5.   Law--Moses to Jesus--
6.  Grace--time we are in now, it goes to the Millennial Kingdom
7.  Millennial Kingdom--1000 year reign of Christ on earth centered in Jerusalem.

Scofield believed the Church would be removed before the 7th period.  Believing in these periods is not what makes one a dispensationalist--but the progression of the way man is dealt with is the distinction.   Dispensationalists see a clear distinction between God's program for Israel and God's program for the church. God is not finished with Israel. The church didn't take Israel's place. They have been set aside temporarily, but in the End times will be brought back to the promised land, cleansed, and given a new heart. (Gen 12, Deut 30, 2 Sam 7, Jer 31)

This does not have anything to do with what brought me to look at Scofield, but this is what I found interesting.  The rapture of the Church was not taught or spoke of before 1800's.  Scofield was influenced by Dwight Moody, but John Darby of England was who influenced him most.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dover Down

 The game was close but Astrid's team beat Dover tonight.

I know you will not believe young as I am...but see number 45...well, I taught him, his mother and his grandmother.  Time flies.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Problems Never Cease

Okay, I used to be able to take a photo and turn it and then save it on the computer and post it on blogger and it would be turned the way I saved it. Now, I can resize it, turn it, rename it, even cuss it and it will still post cock eyed.  Fleta, what to do?

Siggie swallowed a quarter yesterday.  Eric and Laura are taking the wait and see approach!

Eric was conducting parent teacher conferences.  A young man did not make a good grade in his class. I think he was not turning in all his work. Mother asked the boy to step away from the conference table so she could speak privately to Eric.  She said the boy said the reason he does not do well in Mr. C's class is because Mr. C's daughter is soooooooooo beautiful!  What should Eric have replied?

Clayton has been a little hitful at pre-school. Erin told him Santa would not like that!  Clayton told her he would save the hitting up for a 'mean' day and didn't she know Christmas was about Jesus not Santa.

The tree is Laura's.  I don't have one.  Laura has taken pity on me.  She is buying two gifts for me for Clayton and Greta tomorrow.  I am good at staying home.  Not good at shopping.

Patsy, does the Scofield Bible condone slavery?   What are your thoughts on that and why to persons of color say this about the Scofield Bible? I want to know about how the Scofield Bible is different concerning this topic. I know about Ham and the other references to slavery...but how is Scofield different?

Pumpkin Pie For Ingrid

 Ingrid chose pie for her birthday cake and it was very tasty.  I went to her school today with lunch.