
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sunshine!

My Sunshine
Is 39
But no maybe
Still my baby!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pink Sky

 I am trying to walk every other day here near the meadow.  My mitochondria dna must be strong.  My feet hurt so badly I can hardly walk at times.  I am Momma and Grandma Gaddy rolled into one!  This morning I took my camera.  I saw this lovely sky at 6:30.
 This Maple is turning red so cool fall is coming.  Surely.
 We lived in this blue house until 1988.
 Uncle Cecil lived in this trailer.  It is abandoned now.  He bought a mobel home for $5,000.00 and added on to it all across the front.  When he moved to Arkansas from CA he have up drinking.  As soon as he finished his little place, he hit the bottle again.  He died within a year.  His liver was the cause.
 Larry is remodeling our bathroom.  The bathtub was nasty.  The previous owners had painted it!  Yuck.  Mold would creep through the paint and thick gunk on the tub.  There was no way to clean it.  Well it started leaking.  We just finished the heat and air, but now we are on to the bathroom.  Lately, I have recalled why I married Larry.  He can do anything.  He really can.  In a few weeks I will show you an update on the bathroom.  I told him I wanted one of those taller stools for old people.  He said he would build me an extension!

 Down the road I saw this house was for sale.  It sets near the blue house.  A older couple lived here and he had dump truck and a bull dozer.  He had a stroke and died.  She has lived there alone for over a year, but I guess she has given up and moved to town.  The place has several acres.
 The family beside our Galla Creek house had a trailer home and they abandoned it about 2 years ago.  This week they worked on the yard, hauled the home off and replaces it with this.  It is very pretty.
Neighbor here in the Meadow has a bunch of horses.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hay Bales

 Our little pasture had 34 bales of hay.

 Because we have a puppy running out in our yard a lot Larry built this platform over the freon lines and electric lines to our air unit.  We are going to put down fabric and then creek gravel.  We have to buy ours!  George just goes to the creek for his.

RJHS Wins Again

The Eastside eighth-grade girls (2-0) won 25-17, 15-25, 25-15. Hannah Jones had three points and three aces in the first game. Mary Katelyn Byrd had three points and one kill. Astrid Christiansen had three points, one ace and one kill. Tamera Rhode had one kill!

They beat Little Rock Christian.  Play at Ft. Smith next week.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RJHS East VS Alma

The Russellville Junior High East and West Lady Whirlwinds opened their season on the right foot Monday inside Whirlwind Gymnasium.

The Eastside Lady Whirlwinds (1-0) swept the Alma Junior Lady Airedales on one court, while Westside did the same to the Van Buren Junior Lady Pointers on another.

“I was glad to get the first-game nerves behind us,” Eastside head coach Cindy Williams said. “I was really pleased with the way the girls played together. They did so many things right. It was a great game to watch and we are all excited about this year.”

The Eastside ninth-grade black team won 25-23 with Tyona Baty scoring three kills, and Katelyn Harrison and Christianson scoring three points each.

The Eastside eighth-grade won in two sets 25-16, 25-22, with seven points coming in game one from Hannah Jones and five from Alyssa Sparks. Astrid Christianson added one point and two aces. Tamera Rhode had one block.

In game two, Sparks drilled in five points and three aces. Madison Mallet one points and three aces. Rhode had two blocks, Christianson had a kill and Mary Katelyn Byrd had three kills.

Confused--As Ususal

I have been looking at the 1880 census for Solon Gaddy.  Solon means wise man.  Well, Silas should be 8 and it says one and Laura J. should be 1 and she is listed as Allice J.  I guess it was just the census taker's mix up, but both kids are incorrect.  Did they change her name?  Weird.

Buel Crawford

Mary J. Wilmoth married Russell Reno Maples. Mary Evannie Maples married Charles Crawford.  They had James Reno married Sarah "Dollie" Gaddy and they had Buel Crawford.    Below--Dollie is Grandpa Gaddy's sister!  And there is Pauline!


 Ingrid has learned to do the splits.  Helen eat your heart out.
 Astrid is playing volleyball.  Some of the Mom's were upset about the baggy shorts.  It did not bother Laura.  She was decently covered.  Volleyball players wear skin tight short pants and Astrid does not like them but she does not like 'baggy' drawers!  They won their game.  She played on 8th and 9th b.  Volleyball is not one of her favorite sports, but I love it and I am hoping Ingird and Sigrid will like it.
 Our new air is in.  Soon we will have more insulation in the attic and then I will really be in heaven.  Larry is fixing the area around the unit.  You should never plant stuff around an air unit.  It has to move air to work and all those vents need to be open.
 Finally they are cutting our hay.  The big rats will not have a place to stash the baby rats now.   The pond is really low.

 Larry is redoing another tractor.  He offered it to a boy to buy, but I don't want him to sell it.   Sort of like that vet of Helen's when you pour your soul into should hold on to it.
Sigrid is sick. She has strep throat.  She will probably stay with us tomorrow.  She worked the concession stand at the volleyball game with her mother.  She can make change like an adult.  Such a smart little girl.  She will probably stay with us tomorrow.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Alfred Slover

This letter was written in 1850--it mentions Alfred Slover--I believe.  He is the first husband of our Grandmother and Patsy's namesake, Ann Tate Maples.

Pawnee nation, little blue river, June the 2nd , 1850 Dear Wife and little ones, I am now over 475 miles from home in the midst of the Savage indians have not seen one yet they are afraid to come near the road the trains are from Independence to the rocky mts. thick as pigeons on the mast 7,000 Waggons are a head of us all kinds of people under the sun from the man of money down to the beggar from the man of honor down to the lowest thief on earth all kinds of ways of going some in carts. some afoot three large stout men with a wheel barrow, no joke I [k]new but little of a trip of this kind while at home when I last wrote you we had seen but little, at the forks of the Independence road and the road we traveled a man was shot, 17 years old from [Ark] by the name of William - Wilkerson, for going materal [material-carnal] to lay with a girl, his Company deny having killed him, a half breed Indian give us some information on the subject, We hav passed many graves, fresh are perhaps some 4 or 5 pr, day union town on the Kansas river is surrounded by the best land I ever have seen in [my] life 4 Stores, licensed traders 2 doct, one saw mill horse power plank worth 5,00 pr, hundred oak at that and cottonwood several other shop under the controle of the government of the U,S, this is in the Pottewatteme nation- these Indians are some what sivelized the Catholic clergy have had mishions among them for some years we passed the old harmony mishion deserted three years a go a large village good fruitrees hundreds are here Sleeping under the Cross to a wake at the great day the Kansas river is a considerable stream 300 yds wide here we had to ferry [End of 1st page] $1 , pr. Waggon, We traveled up the bottom of the river some 30 miles here is the most delightful [country] perhaps in the west or north the bottoms from 4 to 6 miles wide of the best quality, here the catholic clergy have a missionary school, they have 65 girls and some 30 boys under the age of 20 years, in their Cathedril is many Pictures such as are common in their churches. our course of travel has been N of W , ever since we started big blue river was up vary high from the heavy rains that had fallen here we had to raft a cross one man drowned lift a little boy and mule team others near being drowned some mules one jack and ginny drowned and severl waggon got out, never in my life did I see such a rush to cross mem on men cattle on cattle not less than 3000 cattle on the ground mules in great number here one man died 52 years old he died of diareer as many others have done none of the Ark. Folks sick yet at least our crew A.,and J. Fancher , Willmoth and Stover
from white river constitutes our crew. They all get a long well the prairies are vary extensive we have had a plenty of water and wood, such as it is, the water is vary bad, but few good springs, the grass has been good all the Way our teams are mending no loss among us yet of any kind, the boys gardenhire Hulseys and others have joined a nother train they are in sight of us to day lying by we are on little blue heads up against the Platt river When we get there we travel up 150 miles before crossing - on yesterday morning three of our steers and two of A Fanchier ware missing the waggons rooled on A, Fanchier and [End of 2nd page] myself turnout to hunt for them after examing the plains we turnout to the creek it is skirted with some cotton wood and under brush in passing up discovered our cattle brushed in a thickett hearded by a White man the fact is more than one is ingaged in this way of doing Stealing and selling to back trains I rallied some a number of men to Shoot him he could not be found When serch was made for him. had we found him poor fellow he would have been no more but feede for Wolvs I would here remark near all the Stealing and killing is done by the Wites following the Trains the number thus ingaged is vary great not a day but Ponies or cattle is missing not [indecipherable] of these mean white men, will shoot a man for his pony some are traveling with nothing on earth I am led to believe this stealing is done by many who ride fine horses and mix with the crowd from day to day I think I am not mistaken , While in serch of our steers yesterday I saw a bufflow chase, they ware some three miles off 8 men persued them they appeared to me like a drove of Pigeons flying low I could hear, the sound of their feet like a thundering noise what they did I know not one man Shot an antelope I did not see it. I have seen but little game yet, except those aluded to , Children, I saw a little Wild dog it was a puppy I would like to see you all vary much my health is better than it was when at home my back is much better my stomach is some better not much last night a considerable thunder storm the dust is laid the grass much refreshed Walker ,rigs and my [End of 3rd page] myself is joined a nother company Fanchier Wilmoth and Stover are gone we will fall over the way in to a nother company we now are in Capt Pages company old Mr Majors gardenhire hulseys Harrisses and others 13 waggons in all I must now close you and children must not weep for me do all you can to promote your happiness I see many sights Joseph Morres is up with us in our train this is Sabath evening, Patterson from Ceder county will return in the morning so a short fare well to all our friends Wm Temple ***This letter as well as the May 11, 1850 letter written by William from Bates Co., Mo. are the surviving letters of at least 3 letters and maybe 4 that was written to Matilda and children during William's wagon train journey which ended with his death and burial at Chimney Rock, Nebraska on June 24, 1850.*** ****Both letters were donated to the Oregon Historical Society by Mr. & Mrs. Walter Daniels in 1979/80.**** Researcher: Willie Gail Riddles-Rotzoll

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Picking Cotton

Granny Renfroe had two half sisters who were about 15 to 20 years older than she was.  Their names were Zelphia and Saphrona.  Zelphie and Phronie would go to the "Bottoms" in the fall to pick cotton.  Someone would take a wagon load of young people and the farmers would let them stay in their barns or sometimes they rented a place, but mostly they camped and picked cotton.  Zelphie and Phronie met two Alverson boys who lived south of the Arkansas River but came to pick cotton also. They married the two brothers and never moved back to the Mountains.  They lived out their lives along the ARkansas River between Morrilton and Little Rock.  The Alverson mostly share cropped on land along the River.  This photo shows blacks picking cotton but lots of poor white folks picked also.  Notice the man on the horse watching!  Not much has changed.

Friday, August 23, 2013

What I Am Up To

Well, I am up to over 150 pounds, but the last 3 days we have had Mr. Garcia here putting in new central air.   The first day he said he would be here at 8 I think it was and he was still not here at 9.  Larry said--"Ernest and I must have a talk".  After that he came at 7 sharp!  Larry set on back porch always near and supervised.  We have new duct work in the attic.   Next week we are getting more insulation up there.  All the vents are insulated.  We went through the attic so that carport room would have air and heat.  The unit is a 3 ton Ruud!  Boy, it works really well so I am thinking after the insulation is added I will be in heaven.  I feel that as I have gotten older it is very important to be comfortable and being a little fat I get hot easy.  So I am in hog heaven tonight.  I even used the oven which I have not done since we had a real cool morning about a month ago.

The photo is Ingie's locker.  I asked Astrid if she were decorating hers and she said--NO!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Diet

Breakfast, lunch and dinner--watermelon!  Picked another big bunch today so can continue the diet.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Greta Is A Big Girl

 Greta went to day care today.  Her first day and she did not want to leave.  She had to be potty trained to go here.  Well, all day she did not go to the bathroom but hurried when she got home to her potty.  Erin said tomorrow she would show her the bathroom before leaving.  Greta goes all by herself at home.  When I stayed with her the last time, she took care of all this by herself.  I am glad she is going to like school.

Clayton was a little upset, but he was fine after a few minutes.  I talked to him and he said he had 2 recesses and his teacher is Mrs. Jones!  I told him that would be easy for Clayton Jones to remember!  I hope he does well tomorrow morning.

Now, I am wondering about how Robert and Hannah made it today.  I wanted to call and check but I kept myself from doing it.  Let us know Fleta.  Did Robert do okay!

Four O'Clocks

These 4 O'clocks at the side of the house are really looking pretty since we have had a little more rain, but weather is starting heating up tomorrow so everything will dry out quickly.

Info For Clayton (old man not young boy)

Poor Brother has had a problem with robbers at his house in the past.  I read this about a boy on Denver Road which is near Brother!  Always check your oven before baking that angel food cake, Brother!
HARRISON, AR - Two men are charged in a North Arkansas burglary spree.

An arrest on Friday helped investigators from the Boone County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO), Carroll County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) and Arkansas Probation and Parole (APP) to solve several burglaries that have happened over the past few months in Boone County and other surrounding counties.

The arrest came after officers went to an address off of Denver Road following leads about a theft in Alpena. That's where they found xxxxxxxxxx, 19, hiding in the kitchen oven and a female juvenile runaway hiding in an air duct.xxxxx was taken into custody and the juvenile was returned to her family.

Clayton At Eagle Heights Elementary

I hope Clayton had a good day at his school.  I never went to school at 5...we started with grade one.

First Day Of 2013 School Year

 Off to school!  Looks like Sigrid wore her lucky red boots.  This is Clayton's first day.   I remember my first day.  Aunt Lovetta enrolled me and Fleta pushed me in the door.  I remember these book bag things kids had on the back of the wooden chairs.  I never had one in all my school career.  It seemed important then.  I doubt I had anything excepting myself in that first grade room.  Mrs. Atchley was kind to me.  I hope all teachers are kind today.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Plastic Curtains

I remember these curtains in the living room.  They had a purple blackgroud and were plastic.  That clock on the wall I remember as yellow.  We had wallpaper in the living room and those light shades were still there when I left home in 1968.  The walls are knotty pine.  I think the floors fit snugly.

I don't think you can buy plastic curtains anymore.  One year not long after I married, Momma wanted me to make her curtains for the kitchen.  I bought double knit--remember double knit?  They had a lot of green in them.  I made a swag top and then straight bottom.  I think Momma liked them because she used them for at least 10 to 15 years.

Helen was born in 54 and Laura in 74.  20 years separate them.  I wish I had done more for Momma.  Too late.  Maybe the kids will read this and do more for their Momma's!  Patsy, Fleta, Helen and me.  We had a good example as to what a good Momma was.  Momma was happy to stay in the background.  She would have given us anything she had.  You never went to her house without going away with something.  Now, I notice Patsy is the same way.

I am thankful today for still having 3 sisters--all different and all special people with good hearts!

59 And Holding

Happy birthday, Helen!
Probably about the time of your birthday in 1957 is my guess.  Before sheetrock and not even a rug on the floor.  I am stuffing my face and Daddy is wore out from working all night.  Wonder what is in the ice pan from the frig?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tap Tap

Here is Ingrid's dance photo. My picture of her picture does not do it justice.  Her hair has a red tint and she is so glamorous.  Ingrid will be in 6th grade Monday!   She has a locker and it is all decorated.  She is not a follower but the one who leads.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Momma's Four O'Clock Garden

 My Four O'Clock garden looks better and better.  I mulched it and also we have had more rain.  They are almost pretty.
Astrid called this morning and asked if I wanted to go to the trail.  I said I would when Laura got here to get Sigrid.  Laura has worked at St.Mary's all week for someone who had to miss work.  Laura came home and Astrid still wanted to go....I walked 3 and a half miles!!!  Well, Astrid ran 8 miles while I did that.  She can really go.  She said it was so cool that she wanted to run.  I enjoyed being with her as I always do.