
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Volleyball At Tech

 Ingrid and Sigrid are taking volleyball lessons at Tech.  I got to watch them tonight.  Siggie is the youngest student and is doing really well.  Ingrid is outstanding.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


 Clayton went to pumpkin patch and he sure made some scary pumpkins!
 Yellow meated melon--really sweet.

Three Goals Right Away

Astrid scored 3 goals in her soccer game and so her coach pulled her from right forward and had her play different positions.  She has a volleyball came Monday at Morrilton.  Pop is going along with Laura to cheer.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Three Stars

 Astrid has been playing soccer.

 And her team won yesterday in volleyball.

 Sigrid shopped at the store where all the hair bows were a buck.  And Clayton is decked out in black for his picture day.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thankful Today

Today I am thankful.  I don't have to kill hogs anymore.  I don't have to milk cows anymore.    I am thankful for my 2 girls, my husband and my grandkids.  I love my brothers and sisters, but do not want to live at Powell Bend with them.  I am happy to check on Clayton, Fleta, Helen, Patsy, and Gilbert from afar.  That way you don't get stuck making the birthday cake, etc.  When I worked I always had to make the birthday cakes for everyone.  I went to school yesterday for a wedding shower.  I am thankful I don't have to go there everyday.   Patsy, what are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Clayton

Two hooks for whatever we want to hang.  Tall for Larry and short for me.
 Hope Brother gets a birthday cake.  I remember one year Momma made me a chocolate cake and we had some of the red and white peppermint candy.  Someway she melted that in the frosting it was the best cake I ever remember having.  I took the milk man a piece of cake and he gave me a quarter or something like that.
 With all the work on the sheet rock the grout in the tile had a white tinge. You could clean it but the white came back as it was in the pores of the grout.  Last night after I went to bed, Larry worked on it and it sure looks good.

I wanted this mirror on the door and Larry put it there for me.  It is from Ethel's beauty shop that Larry helped her fix in 1972.  It had 1972 stamped on the back.  I was in a closet here. The worst part about it is seeing how ugly you are naked.  I just try not to look.
 Larry bought this little glass shelf and put it above the toilet.  I will set something colorful on it when we finally get finished.
 These 4 closets have lots of space to put things.  I am not taking a photo inside as Erin will see I am still not very organized in there.
 Larry has finished the window and it is nice.  The window is frosted made special for the bathroom.  The previous owners replaced the windows and all are nice and new.
Here is a photo of the rug and curtain for the shower.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Late Birthday Snack

Laura and her girls went shopping in Conway last weekend.  Laura finally got a 'full' check.  She contracts so it takes a while for the hours to add up.  They ate at Marketplace.  That is one of Laura's favorite, but I don't think I have ever eaten there.  Anyway she told them of her September birthday and they brought this big ice cream treat to her.  I have the 3 stooges ate it though!

Morning Stroll

 I strolled for about 45 minutes this morning.  Can not call it a walk as I waddle along too slowly.  These were going south.

 I spotted two of these across the Lake and had to zoom in got away but I snapped this one.
 The sun was just coming up and lit up the south side of the Lake like a spotlight.

 I thought this might be my eagle...but was disappointed to find a crane.
 They are not going to let fishing boats enter the watershed from the Dam.  They have been leaving a mess.  We are really happy as now we will really have the Lake to ourselves.  Below is a Silver Leaf Maple. Daddy like them...but they are not pretty to me.  Remember how they grew up spindly.
 Cora went along and protected me.

 I guess the color of fall is purple and gold.

 Southeast corner of the southeast corner.  You read that in deed and you can see it here.
 The Sycamore tree Larry left as a sprout many years ago.
 Can you see the old road to Galla Creek!  I can
 This sign was in the neighbors yard.
 Galla Meadow is a beautiful place.  Sweet Gum is turning or it may be Black Gum I get them mixed up. And these are two doves on the hi wire.  Daddy liked doves and when I see them I think of him.  They give Larry the chills because Granny would say something about "a sign of death"  and I don't recall what Larry said she said...but I guess that is what he thinks of when he sees them.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Girls

 Erin sent me two pictures of Greta.  She plays hard and gets dirty.  Growing up so fast...soon will be 3.

 Pop bought Astrid new soccer shoes and he bought Ingrid new volleyball shoes.    Grandma and Grandpa Powell are looking over the shoes!  See them on the wall.  Grandma and Grandpa Gaddy are looking over them too!