
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sheet Rock

 Larry has all the sheet rock up now.  I do not have a picture of it all but he has it up.  He is finishing it.  I told him to pick the paint as he is really better than me.  He said he may put a chair rail and use two colors on the walls.  
 We will probably put the same floor as in the kitchen unless it is no longer available.  
 Larry hung this tarp on the door because he sands the mud and re-muds it several times.  It makes a dust and we want to keep it out of the kitchen.

 I used my Patsy skillet to make cornbeard.  We had beans, mashed potatoes and okra.  I have flipped the cornbread in the photo.  I have finally got the skillet seasoned well and it does not stick.  I bet my girls fight over the Patsy skillet when I kick the bucket.
 Larry's supper in on a plate, but I am trying to eat off a smaller plate or a bowl.  They look the same size here but the red bowl is about a third the size of the green plate.  

Sunday--Hot Again Here!

 Erin sent me these pictures of Harrison's big park.  She took the kids to the soccer field and let them ride their bikes to the park.  She said she was pooped.  The pictures of Ingrid and Astrid I got from instragram.  Volleyball wraps up in October and then the two girls will play basketball (which Ingrid hates but Astrid loves!)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

New Place To Play

 Woodlawn Baptist Church has constructed a new playground within a block of Clayton and Greta's house.  They love the new play area.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Not Bragging

Just fact...Ingrid had 4 volleyball games this evening at RMS.  They won all four and Ingrid put the points on the scoreboard to win each of the four games.   Three she won serving and the last game she won with a dink over the net.  Go Ingie Beanie!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Patsy said Last Year

Patsy posted this last year on Brother's birthday.  She said that she and he were were only ones left who were present at his birth.  Now she is the only one standing.

Today is Clayton's birthday. He is 6 years younger than I am. 69 years and counting. (never made 70!)
Daddy was in the service when Clayton was born. The whole point in his birth was to get Dad out of the war if you had 3 children you could get out but by the time he was born the war was just about over. Since he didn't serve his purpose I have always thought we should have sent him back C O D!
We  went to stay with Grandpa Powell shortly before his birth and that meant I would start to school at Sunny Lane. 
I didn't have a clue as to the new baby on the way. We slept in the middle bed room with mama and one night grandma woke us  up to go back to be in the back bedroom. She said you sleep here and Aunt Betty will come home to sleep with you, I don't remember Aunt Betty being at Grandpas during that time at all. 
The next thing I knew we were dragged out of bed again to see a new  baby. Doctor McCurry was there and  he had a wash pan with a lot of blood and guts in it he was stirring it around and said well, I think that is all of it.  the Doctor still delivered babies at home but someone had to go get him and take him home. I suppose that was Grandpa's job.
I my life changed that day because from then on if I wanted to go play I had to slip away or I had to carry a baby on my hip. I told Clayton that was why I was lop sided from carrying him around. I can still here Mama calling "Patsy take the baby."
I don't think  Mama took care of any of her babies. It was my job until I left home then the job fell to Fleta.  I don't know who took care of me, wait I do too know, Daddy did.
Happy birth day , Clayton! just think of all the people in that room that night, you and I are the only ones left alive.


 I had a dream
That I might be
An important man
To our country!
To serve and give
My very best
Standing strong
Against each test!
Long ago 
Just a spark
Of what I'd do
Lit in my heart.
Others were surprised
When I signed
But my dream
Was not denied!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Erin's Trip Today

 Erin and her two took a trip today to the Tiger Sanctuary at Eureka and also they visited the Heritage Museum at Berryville. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Getting Ready For Fall

 Sigrid is getting ready for fall.  She bought 10 mums and some pansies for her flower beds.  It all looks really good.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Picture Day

 It was picture day at the Elementary School near Walnut Street.  Also, below is a photo of Greta before her haircut.  Really Greta did a pretty good job, but I will be glad when the bangs grow out again.  Probably will take a year or so.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I Love A Parade

I am not sure which youngster is Greta but she was in the Parade today.


Doing well in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cowgirl Rides Away

 Rodeo day at Greta's school.  She is ready to ride.
 Astrid's coach asked her to go plug in her phone to charge it.  She got a surprise picture when she went back to get it!  Astrid is a jokester!

Student Of The Month

Tonight Sigrid was presented to the school board by her Principal.  She said Sigrid was helpful, always ready to learn with a smile on her face!  Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Ruble.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Broke Up

Astrid can not play volleyball but her soccer game is still a go.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ingrid Is Braced For Volleyball

Ingrid and her friend are "braced" for their volleyball game.

Ingrid served about 12 straight points in the first game.  She surely played her heart out!


Clayton penned this message and added an illustration.  The picture of is Erin and Greta.  Erin is holding a baby bottle and Greta is still a little baby but she can stand up.
One of my perfect Granddaughters penned the picture below back before school started.  I wanted to post it for a memory and to remind us that no one is perfect.

Pete and Repeat

Erin said she and Clayton were reading and low and behold this was in the book.  She thinks her Grandpa is sending her a message!  I recall Daddy reading to Fleta, Helen and I and we were were all in bed in the same room Helen now sleeps in.  I don't know what he was reading out of, but it is a good memory. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

No Flock

I only see one Hummingbird or at the most two.   I am not going to have a flock.

Astrid broke her hand in volleyball.  She dove after a ball and someone stepped on her hand.

Sigrid has broke out again from the wasp sting.  The places are swollen and she has a rash all over her legs, etc.  She is going for allergy test on the stings as each time it is supposed to get worse.

Ingrid has a volleyball game tomorrow.

I am taking Astrid to a specialist about her hand.

Got a letter from Jonell today.  Supposed to be cooler tomorrow.  So hot today.  I read the book about Harper Lee.  It was ok.  One about two brothers, "Run, Brother, Run" it was real good.  Now I am reading Muzzled Oxen and it is good, too.

Larry had two old Studebaker trucks he sold them to someone from Minn.  He is on his way not to get what he can haul in his trailer.  We are happy to see them go.  We have owned them since before 1998.  I mark things in my memory by was before Larry's Mom died that we got the old truck.

Guy sent what I wanted on Clayton's stone.  I was not pleased.  He will try again.  If I am not pleased again...I will go with the cross that Fleta and I like.  I thought the turkeys fit Brother better.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sigrid and Sheetrock

 Sigrid is getting an early start on being a volleyball player.  She is taking lessons from AR Tech players each Sunday.

 Larry started hanging our sheetrock in the livingroom.   It is nice to have the couch out of the way.  He will do half the room and then the other two walls.  He is going to remove the flue brick.

Elephant Ear

This is Erin's Elephant Ear.  Isn't it beautiful

The image of Helen shooting a snake in a crack on the porch is scary indeed.  Helen, get some of that tick flea repellent and pour a bunch in the crack.  The snake will leave can catch him crawling in the yard and shoot him.

Glad Gilbert is taking care of his old Sisters.  The Monument guy where I got Clayton's stone asked if my Sisters were "elderly" and I promptly said "yes".

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cross Country

Astrid got second in the cross country race today.  She can not go to their practices (plays on the volleyball team ,too) so she is at a disadvantage.    We were really proud of how she ran!  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Great Visit Home

I enjoyed visiting at Momma's place.  The food was good and the company better.  Guess I will shoot for coming Oct. 11, Reunion Day at Alpena.

 Greta decided she wanted bangs!

 Clayton got a praise postcard from his teacher.   Uncle Clayton would be pleased that he is doing well in math.

 Ingie scored 10 straight points in one of the Conway Volleyball games.  She scored out winning the game!