
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Go Winds!

Astrid's basketball team is playing in the Van Buren Tournament.  They beat Siloam Springs yesterday and Alma today.  They will play in the finals tomorrow!  Go Astrid. Go Whirlwinds!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Keeping Watch

The hawk keeps a close watch for a mouse out in Galla Meadow.   It probably takes several for a meal.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

New Testament or Help For Helen

Remember I told you that I remembered things by association.  Well, when in school I learned to spell arithmetic by thinking
A red Indian thought he might eat tomatoes in church.  I still will find myself saying this in my head as I spell arithmetic.

So you must visualize this little picture.  I did not invent it but found it last night on the Internet and made my own version.  Ta Da--I have the New Testament down.  Helen, you can do this!!!

There are 39 Books in the Old Testament. 3 x 9 = 27!!  There are 27 Books in the New Testament!  You can learn them within 30 minutes to an hour if you try.  It is not hard, but you will have to continue to say them at least 2 weeks several times a day before you "know" them in a lasting manner.

Here is what you must remember.  It is a little movie.  
First, you are in church sitting with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Say it over -- Matthew Mark Luke and John!  Also see yourself sitting in that pew.  Matthew and Mark on one side of you and Luke and John over near the aisle.  Matthew Mark Luke and John.
 Church ends.  The service was a little boring!  You and Matthew Mark Luke and John slip out the backdoor.  There next to the back door sits an AX!  You decide to chop a little wood to keep the church warm.  Doing work for your Lord.  The next book is ACTS.
Say it again ACTS!!
 After chopping a big pile of wood, you are so thirsty and you see a vending machine down past the back church yard.  You put your dollar in and get an R C Cola!  Drink it down!  So good.  RCC
Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians!!  RCC!
 You look down the lane and there stands old George Aday eating pop corn!! George eating pop corn.  Now, picture it see George eating and see his pop corn!  G E P C
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians!

 George was heading toward a stadium and you can hear the cheerleaders inside yelling Thes, Thes, Tim, Tim, Tit!  5 t's
1st Thessalonians, 2nd Thessalonians, 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy and Titus!!  Cheer for the 5 T's.  Say them over!  Easy Peasy.
 Those cheerleaders are cheering at a wrestling match!!  Two big burly guys from the New Testament are having a huge brawl!
Philemon, he bruises James.  Philemon is the winner, but oh, it is a hard fight, both are pooped.  Philemon Hebrews James!! Say it over several times and see Philemon as He Brews James!!  
 Philemon and James are so tired that they just go home and put on their P J's.  They both do!! 2 P's and 4 J's!! P P J J J J!!  Picture this
Philemon and James in the striped pajamas!!
1st Peter, 2nd Peter, 1st John, 2nd John, 3rd John, and Jude!!

Now the end is always Revelations!!
Write it all down on a piece of paper using your own graphics so you can visualize it!!  

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Feeding the birds is expensive at times!

I can remember things by association.  I used to have trouble remembering the year Richard passed and then I realized it was 30 years after Daddy and now I always remember the year.  Patsy and Clayton passed 60 years after Grandpa Powell.  I can remember all our family's birth year.  I always get Patsy and Debbie's day in May mixed up but I think I have it now.  

I may try to memorize the books of the Bible like Fleta did.  I know them pretty well but can't spout them out.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Scarf With Fringe

Sigrid wanted a scarf to wear with her pea coat.  She picked this yarn at Hobby Lobby.  She requested fringe!

Christmas Eve With The Christensen's

 We went to our neighbors at 3:30 and had a great snack feast.  The hot spinach dip was my favorite.  Sigrid loved the champagne punch.  Tomorrow we will have dinner here at my house about 4:00.  Mine will be a simple meal as I am a simple person.

Clayton was sick so the Jones family could not attend.  Sigrid and I may go up Sunday afternoon and take Clayton and Greta their gifts.  Would that work Erin?  Pop is going to the Van Buren tournament Monday.
 We gave the 5 grandchildren money.  Eric let the girls pick one of their gifts from under the tree to open.  Ingrid is showing off two movies.
 Astrid is holding Colors perfume and Sigrid got a sharpie color set.
 Pop and his buddy are friends--here is her joke to him.
Poppa, how do you make HOLY WATER?
Pop--said how.
Sigrid--boil the H E L L out of it!
Sigrid made Pop pillow cases and me kitchen towels.  We absolutely love them.

Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Frankie Or Hands Up Don't Shoot!

 Frankie knows when to surrender!  Today is his birthday...don't know how many but over 65.  Happy Birthday, Frankie Powell.  Poor Frankie born the day before Christmas.  Probably never got a gift on his birthday!
 Day after Christmas is Gin-a-Lee's birthday.  Happy birthday, Virginia.  Age of Clayton.  I guess born in 1944.  Poor Gin-a-Lee, born the day after Christmas.  Always got cheated on her birthday, I bet.
Then Aunt Fleta born on the 27th of December.  The Powell family was so poor.  We know she always got the short end for her birthday.  I do think her husband spoiled her!  Bet Harold always got her something for Christmas and her birthday!  I love the picture of Sweet Winnie and her mother.

Glad my birthday is in June...far away from Christmas!  Hope all my family has a great Holiday.  I am not much of a Christmas person.  I did enjoy it when Laura and Erin were little!   Hannah gave Clayton her virus.  He is too sick for them to come down.  We are sad but I know little Clayton is sadder.  Merry Christmas to all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Santa's Elves At Work

One of my favorite Christmas treats is a good sugar cookie and rich cup of coffee.

Monday, December 22, 2014


 I think this picture was in the winter of 1967.  I do believe it was Jonell and my senior year at Green Forest High School.  Seems like we went to Silver Dollar City.  Do you remember, Fleta.  I had that haircut in my Senior photo.  They do that at the beginning of the school year.

Jonell liked her throw.  She said she could not crotchet or knit.   I would like to try knitting again, but I would need someone who I could turn to if I messed up and I don't know anyone who would be there for me.

Jonell and I are the age Ann Rudd was when she passed.  Billy Joe died January 1993 and Ann died one year later.

She's A Winner

In her art class at Jr. High, Astrid drew a picture of a baby deer hidden in the brush.  Each student drew a picture and they were all submitted to Downey Publishing for the cover of their phone directory.  ASTRID WON.  Her letter says she will received $500.00 and her baby deer will grace the cover of the phone book for 2014-15 here in the River Valley!  Congratulations, Astrid!
Here is the book with last year's winner!  I don't always appreciate these phone books but you can bet I will from now on!

Making Progress

Larry took out the door that went into the hall.  The thing on the wall is for our new tv.
The room is so much lighter.  You can actually see in there now.
Larry will be finished soon.  He is ready to do the floor.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Question For Sister

Fleta, I was wondering and I told Helen to ask you because this is a lot to type out...but when she found out the question was about dead people she said--it'll be okay!  Meaning forget it.
How is Beverly Morris that Hugh Dee Morris descends from related to Green Jordan Morris that married Bee Maples half sister Sarah Jane Maples?  Are they related?  They came from the same part of Carroll County.  Green Morris' father was William C. Morris.  Hugh's father was John Ruth (I think) and his father Reagan Morris and his father Beverly  Morris (that is from memory and I may have it mixed up but Hugh goes back to Beverly Morris I am pretty sure).  Are those two Morris families related?