
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ending April

 Clayton is a wee bit taller than his classmates.  Below Ingrid poses with her friends.  They took a trip to Murray Dinner Theater in Little Rock for a meal and play.  The trip was sponsored by an awesome pre a p teacher, Mr. Christensen.  I am sure they need a little culture.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sora And Other Mysteries!

 Eric says my bird is a Sora.  He thinks it probably was injured in flight and made an emergency landing in Galla Meadow.  The Sora is not a bird of the Arkansas River Valley, It surely looks like Eric solved my mystery.

Now to another chapter--What does God despise the most!  The answer begins in Proverbs Chapter 6: 16-21!
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.
1--Proud Look
2--Lying tongue
3--Shedding innocent blood
4--A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
5--Feet that run to cause mischief
6--A false witness that speaketh lies
7--he that soweth discord among brethren

But what does God hate the most?

Proverbs 26:25
When he speaks fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.
Oh, yes, God hates a gossip most as all seven abominations are in his heart.

Lord, today help me be pleasing to you.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Brother 1939-2008

 Richard has been gone 7 years today.  I will always miss him and smile when I say his name.  His name brings joy not sadness.  A good story, a funny joke, a wonderful memory--that was Richard,

Blue Ribbon Team

 Sunday's local paper carried a story about Ingrid's track team.  They won most of their track meets this year taking this last one at Heber Springs, AR.  Ingrid's smiling face is second from the left!  She ended up really enjoying track in spite of telling herself otherwise!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Strangled Irises

 Larry's Mom planted irises in the fence row here.  I now know where each color is because she divided them by color.  They are choked by weeds.  You can see these below that I moved look really good.
 I need a place to move these lavender ones and the yellow.  There not many yellow.  I think they are my favorite.
 You can see how the weeds just take over the flowers.  When I get my weed whacker I am going to get rid of some of these weeds, but I still want to move the yellow and lavender irises.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Drum Roll For Greta

Yesterday Greta missed school and went to the ear doctor.  The hole in her ear drum is healed.  Here she is having lunch.  Maybe they are at a buffet?  Anyway, Greta chose her favorite food cottage cheese!  Her Gigi loves it too.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Can't Stop

Clayton is getting lots better at riding his bike, but he has not mastered the ending!  I love the wreck at the end of his ride.  At this rate,  he will be a pro by summer.  They are going camping this weekend and he is taking his bike.  He lives on a huge hill and there is not a very good place to ride there.  Great going, Clayton!  I know my two sisters love seeing videos of Clayton...they both love him because of who he is named for!  Clayton has two fans and does not even know it.

Not Coordinated

 These pictures don't relate but I am putting them together anyway. Above is John Cody's baby's blanket and I think I will send it to Victoria as I have her address.   I hope you can see the hearts surrounding it as it was a lot of trouble to get them in there.  I use 40 per cent off coupons at Hobby Lobby.  I did this for 3 skeins and then they were out.  They had a new dye lot and the pink was a lot darker, almost purple.  So I just bought a pale pink and finished it in solid.
 I have worked some on this fence.  Larry has made me 3 blue bird houses.  He ordered a belt for the weed whacker but we are still waiting for it.  I will chop all those jonquils and go on the outside of the fence and clean on both sides.  It has been raining again and cold so I have not been able to work out there much.  We still have no garden out and it rained again today.
 Larry bought an old Farmall 100.  He will probably sell it but he has enjoyed playing with it.
Here he is joy riding!

Helen, Fleta--what bird is this.  It was in the front yard just hatched and could not fly.  Cora spent the day watching closely.  I don't know if she decided to eat it or let it live.

If Patsy were here, she would tell me in a minute what this bird is...Helen, I think you should look it up and tell me.  I really want to know, but I suspect it is a "dead" bird today.
 Sigrid went on a field trip and got to see her good friend, Ellie...Ellie's father is the new governor's chief of staff.  Ellie and Sigrid do not attend the same elementary school now, but next year they will be back together as all the 5th grade are in one building.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Printer

 Got a letter from Jonell and this picture of Vanessa (Brad's daughter).  The picture above is of Brad and his son, Kurt.  Kenny G. had to have shoulder surgery.  He hurt his shoulder doing something with his boat.  If he does not get so he can lift his hand to comb his hair, Jonell's will turn silver as Kenny dyes it for her.  Joking aside, he is supposed to get full use back and I am sure he will.  Isn't Vanessa beautiful!
 Astrid's name was in the paper with her score in the soccer game.  Soon we will have been writing on these Blogs 10 years.  Astrid was only in first grade when Sister Patsy and Helen got us going.  They have been at it longer and I have.  But I can see it is  a wonderful record.  I still love to go back and read some of Patsy's posts.  They are so interesting and intelligent.
My new Printer is an all in one.  Scanner, copier and printer!  I have a scanner, but have to dig it out and hook it up to use it.  I like a laser printer as I just do black and white.  It was time for new toner in the old one.  I had used that toner about 7 years I think.  Toner is expensive--about 100 bucks or more.  So I opted on a new "machine" as Patsy would say.  It is smaller and more modern and up to date.  I think the two pictures scanned well.  I got it at staples.  Got 100 off, 30 for the old one, and 50 dollar visa card .  All that brought the price to about 150.00.  Almost what my toner would have been. I think the other toner cartridge was 130.00.  This toner will not last 7 years as they don't put a full cartridge in the new printers, but it will as a while.  I think about 700 copies for the partial cartridge and the toner should be for 1000s of copies and it only costs 80 bucks.  Probably when I get the 50 dollar visa card I will go buy a new cartridge.  I used the box it came in to sit it on with Fleta's old wooden calendar as a top.  Poor man has poor ways is what Larry always says.

Monday, April 20, 2015


 Above is Ingrid with some of her friends.  Certainly not all of them as she has bunches of friends and as you can see she has a first place blue ribbon.  Today in the track meet at Heber Springs AR, Ingrid ran the second leg of the 3200 Meter Relay. They were in third place and then she got them to second.  The girl who ran the last leg of the race took over first and they won.  Coach Fish said her time was under 3 minutes!  In the 3200 each person runs 2 laps around the track or half a mile.  Congrats to Ingie on winning blue!

Boone County Update

Clayton has shed his training wheels and trying to get going on his bike.  Looks like a grassy spot is a good learning location just in case there is a crash.

 Clayton is featured on the bulletin board at school because he is terrific.

 He had the second highest AR points in his class.  For Sister Fleet and Helping Hands AR is for reading.  So he is reading a lot of books.  After he reads the book, he must take a test and how well he understands what he read will determine his AR points.  Clayton lately has been interested in all the Presidents of the US and has been learning about them.  He also loves science.

Erin might as well start saving her money for braces.  Greta has decided she has lost a tooth and Erin can not convince her otherwise.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Start

Here Astrid is taking the field in her first start as a Cyclone.  she is the pretty blond, number 21!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Astrid Scores First High School Goal

Astrid got to start in the High School game tonight.  The team lost 5-1, but that one point was scored by a pretty blond that I sure do love.  This was her first High School goal.  Astrid does not get to play her normal position but she plays nearly the entire game and plays a lot of positions.  Mostly mid field which is more of a defensive spot.  She is just happy to get to play.  Notice she jumps way in the air when she shot goes in.  The penalty happened and I saw her raise her hand and wave it as to say--"let me have this kick".  Coach Young let her have it and she put it in!  So glad I was there. Pop was taking care of Siggie as she is sick.  One of Astrid's friends took the video--Erik something.  I saw him go over to her and tell her he got it on his camera.  So sweet of him.

Birds, Beavers, and Betty Boop

 Astrid is not the only artist in our family.  Clayton Jones created this beaver in the water and it won in the Wildlife of  AR Student ART contest.  I really love it.  He did a great job.
 Helping Hand has hung her hummer feeder.  I saw a hummingbird this week but I have not boiled the sugar water.  I need a feeder that has the water thing above to keep the ants away.  We really have trouble with ants here.
 Helen made rolls but I am too far away to get one.  I say Fleet should stop on the way home for a snack.
 I hemmed my curtains by hand like Helen said to do.  I am really pleased they look so nice.  I decided to go with 84 inches.  Larry can always shorten but can't make them long again.  I like them this length.  I got them from Penney's.
 I am heading out now to go watch a little soccer.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Five Grands

 Greta and Clayton's favorite part of camping was fishing.  I think Greg has taken them to the pond here so they can catch one.   Erin took a picture of Clayton and Clayton said--I can't look Momma I have to watch the bobber!
 When Astrid and Laura ran the 13.1 miles,  Ingrid went and cheered on all the runners.  
 Astrid has redone her room in pink.  She and Pop are going to build her a dresser this summer.  This is a complicated drawing.  I know I am bragging, but Astrid is very talented at more than one thing.  She drew this freehand.  It is so beautiful.
 The booster club for Soccer gave this to Astrid.
 Sigrid sent this from school.  What is she?
 Here are some of my neighbors horses for Helen.  Larry has rented the pasture to someone who has a horse.  He will have to build a fence and pay us $50.00 a month.  Larry thinks it is a win win...but Sigrid said I don't think I like the idea.

Mulching Monday

 Today at 8 a. m. I went to Lowes and got something Larry needed for the well pump.  We use the well to water outside.  Larry has put hydrants near my chicken pen and around in the yard.   I also bought 15 bags of is all out and tomorrow I need to go get 15 more.  Don't you love the little Yellow Finch!
 This is some type of clover.  I don't know if it just came up or I bought it.  I am very forgetful, but it is pretty and I pulled the other stuff around it up and gave it a little mulching.
 Above is my old Mary plant.  I think I will save seeds for Helen and Fleet of Foot as it grows like a weed and is very pretty.  After this purple flower, it will have a thing that looks like a mirror on it. I will show what it looks like when it puts that on.  A seed is in each one.

 Above is my one and only rose and it may be a wild rose at that.
 I am going to get Larry to put a bed around this before fall. I want it to be rectangular.
 These are two wild plums our friend gave us two years ago.  They should take off this year.
 This is a white Lilac and beside it is a Japanese one Larry bought me two years ago.  The Japanese one will not bloom for a while.  A Lilac has to be 7 years old to bloom.
 Two new bird houses in my front yard so I can see them from my new living room.
 This is a Catalpa tree and a Red bud.

 My hens and chickens are starting on the  third year.  I think they are so pretty.
 Can you see my Aday crystal?
Here is an Iris in the fence row.  When Larry gets my weed whacker going....I plan to do some fence row cleaning.