
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Come Walk Along With Me!!

Had a great walking buddy today.  We walked a mile and half here.  She brought freezer jam to me and fish to Larry.  We will eat like when Jesus feed the multitudes tonight--but the fish is Catfish and fried!  The loaves are hush puppies.  I really enjoyed our walking and talking.  Both are food for my soul.
Astrid wanted a little bedside table.  She found the plan for this and Larry made it yesterday out of scrap pieces.  Part of it is a shelf from the old bookcase that was in the living room.  I love all the knots in the pine.  
 I bet Helen does not have one of these birds at her bird bath.  They think if put that water out for them.
When I pick up Ingie, I will buy a little oil to fry our fishes in....can't wait.  I love the hush puppies the best.

Monday, February 27, 2017


 Greta is posing before Sunday School.  I really like her dress.  It is hard to tell but that is a horse on her sleeve, I do believe.
 Here is Astrid's shirt after she bleached it in Chemistry Class.
Found this of my Clayton.  I love his look!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Looking Forward

I am hoping my painful leg is going to get better.   I have an appointment at Baptist Vein Clinic March 16th.  I am getting excited.  Erin said "don't google it"....but you know I could not stand it and did.  I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but I guess I am.  Just a few weeks away.  They probably don't do a procedure that day, but hopefully I can be walking farther soon.

Erin said that Greta's hearing showed improvement, but she went on to explain that it is not better.  Greta is just older and understands questions better so she can answer as is acceptable.  Her hearing will hopefully not get worse, but it probably will at the level it is.   She takes care of her hearing aids.  She put new batteries in.  She takes them off at night and turns them off.  She is doing well in school.  She is speaking more plainly.   I hope folks do not make fun of her as she has a big brother who will knock their socks off.

I am going to the store and taking my coupons this morning.  Hope I find some good deals at Kroger. It is my favorite grocery store.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Be Careful Little Ears

 Looks like Greta Ann went for a hearing evaluation.  I will ask Erin about how it turned out.  It reminded me of this song.

 Greta loves playing and moving.   She is very athletic.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday For Working Folks

I looked at IstG and found some photos I wanted to share.  Below is Lucky Number 7 with two of her Suns Volleyball teammates--twins!  They always were their hair different to help folks tell them apart.
This is my Great Great Niece--Gabby--she smiles in most of the pictures I see of her.  
Astrid took this mirror selfie when she was getting set for Color's Day.  It is in the locker room at RHS.   
I have been up a while.  I know all workers are so glad this day is here.  I think of Fleta--older than myself--and still toiling away.  Friday is here and maybe she can get some rest this weekend.  

I am taking my tax stuff to CPA today.   Not excited about it as I always have to pay and each year we pay a little more than the previous one.  As long as I have enough to pay what I owe, I am fine!  

I have been outside and filled my feeders.  Got a perm yesterday.  I had to sit for 3 hours and my leg hurt more last evening.  I need to keep moving.  Dr. has not called yet with my referral.   

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hindsight is 20 / 20

Sigrid will be 12 in March. This was her first look at her world. Laura has the girls fix their lunches. I think she has them make the sandwiches for all week and each day they put one in their lunch sack. Laura looked at Sig's stack of sandwiches and each had a big bite taken out of them!
Helen said it best about raising kids! Hindsight makes it easy, but when you are in the throes the task it is not so simple. My recipe for raising is "not too much"!!Just think if you add too much love you get doting. Too much freedom dangerous. Too much togetherness, hovering. Too much praise makes one think they are perfect. Too much discipline becomes cruelty. No discipline makes one lax. The list could go on and on. Guess that is why being a parent is a for those less than 50!! Most parents are doing more than parenting. The good ones are trying--Erin said--"doing our best"!! So what more could be expected of a parent than doing their best. Hindsight makes any chore an easy one!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Harvard Ideas

 Greta and Clayton got to stay home President's Day.  They rode bikes and above Erin is walking and they are way ahead of her.  They ride a little ways and play at a park--it maybe a church play ground.
 Greta is concentrating as you can see her tongue is focused!
 Clayton's bike is getting too small.  By summertime, he will need a taller one.
 The "Easter" lilies will not last long.  I think they are pretty early this year.
 I think this is a wild cherry.   Patsy would know in a heart beat!
Saw this on FB.  It is from a Harvard Psychology group.  I think it all boils down to what your children "see" you do and how you interact with them.   A lot of wise words tumble from our lips but children are more visual and they see what you do.   All the blab from your mouth is worthless if you don't back it up with actions.  Parents are models and most children follow what they live and see.  

1.  Spend quality time with your children!

2.  Let your children see you as a MORAL role model and mentor.

3.  Teach your child to care for others and set high ethical expectations.

4.  Encourage children to practice appreciation and gratitude.

5.  Teach children to see the "big" picture.

Ingrid Smiling

Spotted this photo on the JR High FB page.  

Memory Triggers

 Laura does not have to tell Siggie to "wash her face".   She will spend her own money on facial cleansers and such.   Astrid, some of Astrid's friends, and Siggie made their own blackhead removal face cleaner last weekend.  I went over across the pasture for something and Sig answered the door and above photo is what I saw!    She said "I can't talk or smile as my face is stuck like this."  They had mixed Elmer's school glue, charcoal and no telling whatelse and applied it to their faces.    Later that evening Laura some of the girls came over and Siggie face was pretty red!   She was going to apply aloe vera to it before bed!   One of her favorite things to watch is DR. Pimple Popper on U Tube.
Looking at Sigrid brought back memories of me in our Jr. Class play.  I am on the back row with the white apron!  Today, the play and the part I played would not be allowed in public schools, but in 1967 we were unaware of what could be deemed unacceptable.   Well, Sigrid triggered this memory of myself.  I can't recall what was applied to my face.  Too bad we did not know about Elmer's glue and charcoal!

I am the first cast member listed. but I certainly was not the star!!  Laquita and Carroll have already passed away.
 In the same yearbook, I spotted Jonell and I side by side.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Up Up To The Eye Of The Needle

Laura and Astrid hiked the Indian Creek Trail Sunday.  It is Astrid's favorite of all their hikes and is not for a beginner.  Laura never made it to  "eye of the needle".  Sometimes, we have to say to our children--"go on, I will wait here".  Laura did and Astrid made it up to the awesome site.  She took a few phone photos and shared some with me.  Sharing with you here.
 Looking through the "Eye of the Needle"
Astrid made this little video while she was sitting in the "Eye".

Found this information about the Indian Creek Trail!
Indian Creek Trail is a 4.7 mile lightly trafficked out and back trail located near Jasper, Arkansas that features a waterfall and is only recommended for very experienced adventurers. The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible year-round.  The trail is known for the most accidents in the Buffalo River trail system.  To reach the falls you must scramble through a rocky creek, at times wading through water or you must travel on the sheer edge of a high bluff, or a combination of the above.  The reward is in the scenery.

I chose a video of another's hike to share.  It is the second half of their hike.  Laura said the hike was about 5 miles and it wore her out as the terrain is difficult to navigate.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Wonderful Afternoon

 Erin brought the children down to visit.  We could not have had a nicer afternoon.  They love playing outside.
 Every half hour they brought up wanting to go over to Sigrid's but she had volleyball and Laura and Astrid hiked to the "Eye of the Needle" and they were not home.  Astrid has shared photos of the hike and I will share them this week.
 Before long, Clayton and Greta were hot from all the biking, running and playing.  Clayton took off his shirt.  We headed to Galla Lake so he could skip rocks.  Greta turned cartwheels all the way there.  She is a great little tumbler!
 Skip a rock--Clayton could make a flat one skip a half a dozen times.
Galla Lake is a peaceful place even for a small child.

 Finally late in the afternoon, Greta spotted Astrid's Jeep over on Galla Lane and soon they were speeding across the pasture to see their Auntie.   They both adore Auntie Laura!
 Greta could not keep up with the long legged boy.  He is almost as tall as his Grandmother and he is only in the third grade.

Purple Finch--A Little Friend

 The Purple Finches stay with me year round.  I see the Yellow Finch only in the early spring.  The photos here are of the male Purple Finch.  The little female is mostly brown, but slender and dainty.

 I see my Doves daily.  They were here this morning early.

 Sigrid is playing volleyball with the Tech Sun's team.  She enjoys playing and will probably continue.

 Erin took Clayton and Greta to the Harrison City Park yesterday.  It is really nice.  There are lots of trails to ride and things to see.   A stream to toss rock into--all boys love that.
 Greta showing how strong she is and Clayton can hold up a concrete bridge.

 Exercise is so important for growing muscles.  Looks like these two are getting into the ride!   Many children just sit inside and interact  media games.  Clayton and Greta want to be outside moving and exploring their environment.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

My Shelf--Loaded with Love

 Larry put my shelf up above my table.  I loaded it down with love!
 I had a new cousin match this week.  So I searched FB for her and boom I found her.  Since I don't have FB, I did not send her a message.  We are really closely related.  When she finally gets in Buster's file, she will match even closer to him.  Nancy was born in Iowa and lived a long time in California.  Now, she has lost her spouse and retired to Oregon.