
Friday, March 31, 2017

10 Years Past

Here is Sigrid 10 years ago on her 2nd birthday!  She has really changed!

Astrid wanted eye lashes for her birthday.  She is long lash now!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sig's Birthday Bash

 Sigrid made her own cake--triple layer--and it was delicious, also.
 Twelve candles!

 Uncle Gary brought her candy!!
 She is evaluating her baking here.
 Gary said her cake was really good.
 Pop inspects one of her new items of clothing.
 Watch from Gigi and Pop.
 This is to nap on road trips!
 Erin rug or mirror from you.  Take your pick.
 Goggles for swim team this year.  Even have their own case.
 Bamboo mirror and old woman's reflection.
 Astird made it to the fest.  Then she had to head out to work!
 Ingrid was not impressed with any of the celebration--well, maybe the cake and ice cream.

Siggie is Running For Office

 Siggie is running for Student Council.  Here are two of her campaign posters.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Happy Birthday

Sigrid is 12.  I hope she has a fabulous year!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


This cat hangs around my trash.  It is a stray or a cat that someone does not take care of.   I wish it gone!

I walked here today.  From my house to the end of the lane and back is a third of a mile.  I wondered how far it was and my daughter who has the  MB degree told me to get an app that was free and it would tell me.  I had walked 8 laps already thinking I had walked 2 was more than that.   I think I can walk here doing this if I just think of it like going around the track like I used to do.  Oh, Erin has a Master Brain degree.   She always has a AD degree.  This one is "act dumb".  She will usually says she does not know and then tells you something you had no idea was like that.  She says she knows a little about a lot.  Well, her mother is like that, too, but Erin's a lot is a lot more than my a lot is!

Walked 6 miles today.  Pray that I can keep my body moving.  It makes me feel so much better.  Thank you Erin for the tip on the App. Thank you Laura for coming after school so I could go with my girls.  Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with a wonderful family!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Siggie and The Cow Poke

 Uncle Gary gave Astrid this creek rock painted showing a baby calf.
 Greg has the laminate in the master bedroom.
 Eric took Ingrid and Sigrid and Kami (Ingrid's friend) to Silver Dollar City today.   Sig took up with a cow poke.  Sigrid will be 12 March 30.   She is making her own cake--triple layer!   Woo Woo, I can't wait to see it and eat it!

Got To See My Family

 Laura took Astrid and Sigrd on a shopping trip and I rode along and stayed with Clayton and Greta.  First, Sister Helen and Brother Gil came by to see me.  They had been repairing Helen's lawn mower and were sort of greasy, but let me take this picture.  When they left, Sister Flet dropped by and I got this profile.  Helen saw it and said, "well, you can tell Erin did not take that picture".
 Astrid sent me this picture of Phoebe from when they went camping.  I really like her little Corgi.  She is 4 months old and so smart.
 Robert and Hannah are enjoying the trampoline that Erin gave to them.  Gilbert came and put it together for them.   It is at Aunt Helen's house.
 I wanted to post the picture of Little Miss Greta from Saturday.  She is a special little girl.
 Greg is putting laminate flooring down in some of the rooms in their house.  I think it might be like ours.  I really like mine.  So much better than carpet and not expensive at all.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Freddo's My Favorite Ice Cream Store

Sigrid and I tried  out the best ice cream!!  Astrid was really busy but calm, cool, and collected!  Did my heart good to check out Freddo's.

Going To Granny's

Clayton and Greta are at Granny See's today.  Erin said "Clayton, what do you want for breakfast?" To which Clayton explained that Granny See fixed what you wanted to order so just skip the breakfast at home.  When he found they were going to meet at Denver Road he was quite disappointed as he told his Mother if Granny See drove to Harrison they would get to eat out at McDonald's!

Well, I know he will be asking to go to the Creek.  Wonder if they will get to?!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Pop's Hanging

 Well, he was hanging hook plaques and pictures on the wall for his girls across the way.  Above is the one he made Laura.  Astrid had the knobs they put on the cedar boards.  I bet this is really handy to keep things organized.
 He put a wire on the back of this picture Ingrid got for Christmas and hung it for her.  It was really heavy.  I don't really know what the picture is all about, but maybe you do.
Here is Astrid's board.  She wanted to put her backpack on it.  Her wall says, "throw kindness around like confetti" and "live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, and drink wild flower tea?"  Not sure as I cannot see it all.  Astrid does throw kindness around.

Some Like it Hot; Some Cold

If you like it hot, yesterday was your day...but if you like it  cold, you would love today.  I surely hope it does not go from hot to cold and skip spring, but it may happen that way.

It was almost ninety yesterday and not sixty today.  Ingrid and Astrid came by.  Astrid ordered shoes for the prom and they came.  Ingrid wants a table for her record player and she was telling her Pop about it.  We love having them.  Astrid had a tail light out and Pop and she figured out what was the problem.  He got the bulb today and said he will let her fix it so she will know how.  One thing about her once and she knows.  

 The Mockingbird and Blue Bird like it hot they said.  Not even seen them today.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Creek Memories

 Greg and Erin took the kids to Long Creek today.  Clayton loves to catch crawdads. It reminded me of a poem that Fleta wrote about going to the creek.

A little stream flows through the hills,
Above it sings the whippoorwills.
In years gone by it heard the squeal
Of children's merry laughter peal,
As they would skip and slip and slide,
And watch the sunlit fishes glide
Over rocks and down the sandy side
Of the banks of the stream where the children bide
Their time on shimmering, summer days
And splash and play in the summer haze.

But a single strand of memory frays
And breaks the bonds of bygone days.
On the banks of the creek no one stays
Where the children played in the summer haze,
They all grew up and moved away
From the banks of the creek and children's play.
But sometimes, on a sunlit summer day,
Surely, thoughts return and memories stray
To the banks of the creek and children's play,
On a shimmering, sunlit summer's day.

Memories Copyright © 1988 by Fleta Aday. 
All rights reserved. 
Sister wrote this in 1988.  Next year, that will be 30 years past.  During that 30 years we have grown old.  Still we are young at heart.  When Erin said they went to Long Creek at Coin and Carrollton, Arkansas,  memories of going to the creek when we were kids flashed through my head.    


Spring is around the corner!
Garden is tilled!
We are ready for some sunshine!