
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Drop Off and Pick Up Schedule


When you get old, you get forgetful.  At least through September, I’ll be picking Sigrid up several days and taking her on Wednesday.  I had already forgotten so I am putting the schedule here.  Maybe I can remember what to search for to find it.  

Tuesday I get to watch Ada.  

Pictures Found

 I’m not sure what year this is, but I am afraid Sigrid looks like Gigi.  I think it was before I went to school

Gigi grade 1.  I remember this dress was green 

Three sisters 1955 and 1969

Saturday, August 29, 2020


 Used to schools had math lessons now it’s mask lessons.

Half A Year


Larry’s been gone 6 months today.  Seems like just yesterday but then it seems forever.

Friday, August 28, 2020

10 Years Ago

 Helen posted the picture of us on FB today.  I realized I still wore this shirt.  So I put it on today.  I keep most of my clothes til they wear out.  I know I am not normal but I do.larry kept his forever too.  When he passed Helen came and got his things and shared them with my relatives.  She shortened the pants.  She is a very good seamstress.  

I have been trying to get a few new things to wear.  I need to take a lot of things to Goodwill.  Maybe if the virus will ever go away.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cousin Winnie’s Birthday


My dear cousin is a year older today.  Isn’t she a beautiful?  Happy Birthday, Win!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Greta Day One Grade 4


Greta’s teacher took her picture.  I hope she has a great year.

Two Sweet Kids


Logan and Astrid are special to me.  Both are hardworking, nice, humble, And kind.

Astrid Still Kicking


Astrid still loves soccer.  She plays in local leagues.

Harrison Kids


Clayton and Greta started school today.  I looked back at last year to see how they have changed.  Clayton’s in 7 th grade and Greta 4th.  Baby Ada is 1.    They’re all growing up fast.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Use Your Manners

Mr. squirrel is learning manners.  He is now using his bench seat and not sitting on his picnic table.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Up Nebo

 Sigrid and Astrid made it all the way up Mt. Nebo today and down again.  Astrid loves this sort of thing but I am really proud of Sigrid for getting out and exercising after a long first day of school.  I get to pick Sig up tomorrow.  

A new genealogy friend came to see me today.  She brought me flowers.  We had a nice visit.

Mask Up

Only one of my Christensen girls is still in school—Siggie.  She is a sophomore.  This is her first year at the big high school.  I know she was a little anxious.  When Phinnie and I walked by her house, we discovered one of Laura’s lovingly constructed masks in the road.  I am sure it was Sig’s.  You see, like Ada, Sigrid is the baby.   Mom, Dad, Pop, Gigi, Astrid, and Ingrid have all watched over her with love.  So I am sure Sig got to school with no mask.  Hope they did not fuss at her, and just gave her one.  Remember your books, paper, pin, lunch, but most of all grab that mask.

Love Mrs. C’s mask.

Another School Year Begins

 Every year Laura makes cinnamon rolls to kick off the first day of school.  She brought me one and they were delicious still, but this year feels so different.  I think it’s sort of like sending them all off to war and the enemy is invisible.  

I always buy some new things for the school starters.  Sig picked new shoes and Ingie chose the holes pants.  She looks so cute in them.  She only has one class that she actually goes to.  All the others are online.  Astrid said she’d wait on a new outfit and my Harrison kids haven’t gotten anything from me.  I told Erin that maybe they needed new shoes.   Greta may get new hearing aides.  I think she was 3 when she got these.  $5,000 dollar hit.  Probably more now.  I may help with those.

Ingie’s holey jeans and Sigrid’s new shoes.
I mowed some of the yard yesterday.  Lots of dust and grass blowing everywhere.  Pop is gone and everything has changed.  So glad to have my little Ada Mae.  She is a soothing comfort.  My back still is so painful.  I cut down one of Larry’s back braces and am wearing it.  I took the ibuprofen for a week and didn’t think I should take it longer.  I will try to be more careful unloading 50 pound sacks from now on.  

Sadness is covering me today like a dirty, stinky blanket and I feel smothered. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ready, Set, Go

Astrid topped off her work station for school with a black board.  She bought a board at Lowe’s and made it.  She says she is going to add a frame to the black board.  I love the lights she chose and the simple black chairs.  Some of Astrid’s classes are online and some in person.  Ingrid started this week too.   Siggie starts Monday. Clayton and Greta, Wednesday. 

I am praying for all.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Squirrel Picnic

Laura’s friend likes feeding squirrels and watches them outside her office window.  Laura gave her a new feeder for her birthday this month.  It’s a small picnic bench with a nail to attach a cob of corn.  Looks like it’s working.

Happy Birthday Baby Blu

 Phinnie’s little girl had her first birthday and Dad and mom—phineas and Phoebe—threw her a big party complete with cupcakes and hats,  a great time was howled by all.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Today’s Views While Lumbering Alone

 You can see the Passion Plant or Maypop’s fruit below the bloom.  The Maypop’s fruit has many uses.

More red on my Maple.  Fall’s coming.
Morning Glory
Wood vine on a Pine tree.  I need to pull it down.  Vines are parasites.

BlackGum clump of trees arevturning red.
I think this is Sumac. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Happy Birthday, Sister.

 Years roll by.  Another birthday adds a year to your age, but you’re forever little sister to Fleta and I.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Baby Blanket

 I have been working on this baby blanket for a teacher at Laura’s  school.  She opted not to discover sex of her baby so we went with light gray.

Hard Lesson Learned

Learned A Hard Lesson

Yesterday, Laura stopped and got my corn for the chickens when we went to walk at Lake Dardanelle.  She said she’d come by and unload it after yoga class.  I can do this I thought.  I put the 50 pound sack in my yard wagon and pulled it back to my chicken pen.  I pulled the both muscles in my lower back.  I can hardly walk.  Next time I’ll wait for Laura.  Guess 50 pounds is too much for woman in her 70’s.  I walked here in Galla Meadow, slowly with my hiking stick.  Saw some pretty flowers and geese were all over Galla Lake just a lay over on their journey south.  It really cool and nice here at 6 a. m.

Partridge Pea
Passion Flower