
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Chicken Coop Ready


Astrid and Logan finished the chicken coop.  She said she may have to use it as a Corgi coop until the pups go to new homes.

Ada got new tennis shoes and she is on the run.  Run, baby, run.

Brotherly Love

Greta Ann whacked Clayton in the back of the head and broke her knuckle.  I don’t think it was an accident.  She’ll have a cast for a month or so.  Messed up her basketball playing.  Clayton is fine.  He’s hard headed!!

7 Months


Larry has been gone 7 months today.  So glad the Lord sent Ada.  She is precious.
I’m getting 10 Brown Bovan chickens this evening.   They lay big brown eggs.  

Astrid has 8 Corgi puppies.  She has sold some.  She is still without a job and in College full time.  She needs the money.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Clayton’s Big


Clayton is 12.  He is weed eating Grandma Gelica’s yard.  His Dad is helping take care of Gelica since Papa passed.  Clayton lost 3 grandfathers in 5 months this year.  He is in the 7th grade and really tall like his Pop.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

What Do You Want


How many 20 year old girls if asked what they’d like to have would say—a chicken coop.  Astrid is probably the only girl around that would want a chicken coop.  But she wants one and her friend Logan is making her wish come true.  Astrid is totally involved as she built the door by her lonesome today.  She told me she wants about 6 chickens that lay brown eggs. 

I love the diagonal slat of the boards on the door.  She wants a metal roof and small chicken yard.  

She blesses my heart.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Waiting For Day Light

 When I walk I pick up feathers I see in my path.  I know I am weird.  

I am waiting for day break to start my 2 hour drive.  I have about 30 more minutes and then I will head up hiway 7.  It Is drizzling rain.  I’d rather drive in a light rain than in fog.  I put on a pair of pants Helen hemmed a bit for me.  I want to thank her again.  They are perfect length.

Astrid is coming over mid day to let Phinnie out awhile. She wants me to make a blanket for her friend.  I am anxious to go get yarn and start it.  It a boy so I may pick gray that’s in style.  I like white the best though.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Ingrid’s Feller


This is Ingrid and her friend Justin.  He looks nice.  They went to eat and invited Sigrid.  She took the picture.

I think school is going ok for Ingie.  She is a real good reader and that makes college classes not so difficult.

Astrid is enjoying the nursing classes.  I know one day they gave each other I V’s.  Ouch.

Tomorrow will be a wonderful day...just Ada and me.  I have her sugar cookies and apple sauce.  

Wet Walk

Ironweed field of flowers

Beautyberry Bush

Well, it was wet this morning but I slipped on the boots Clayton gifted me when his big foot out grew them and off Phinnie and I went through Galla Meadow.  We saw lots of pretty purple things—Ironweed, Beautyberry, and Mistflower.

Ironweed is really Vernonia—named for a botanist named Vernon something.  Butterflies and bees love Ironweed.  The blooms turn a rusty color as they are spent is where it gets its name.

Beautyberry is a Bush.  The raw berries, are sweet and suitable for human consumption only in small amounts, because they are astringent. The berries are used in jellies and wine. The roots are used to make herbal tea. As a folk remedy it has been claimed that "fresh, crushed leaves of American beautyberry, Callicarpa americana ... helped keep biting insects away from animals such as horses and mules".  A chemical compound isolated from the plant was effective as a mosquito repellent in laboratory experiments.

Mistflowers are of the Aster Family.  They have soft, fuzzy purple flowers and bloom in late summer and early fall in Arkansas.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Perfect Morning

 It was nice this morning as Phinnie and I strolled through the Meadow.  We saw some pretty wildflowers.

After walking, I sprayed weeds around the fence to nowhere Larry started to build before he passed away. It is fence posts with no barbed wire and it goes along the side of the yard and stops—going no where.  

After that, Siggie texted she left her computer at home.  I delivered it to the high school and then treated myself to two donuts— a glazed and a cinnamon sugar.  You’re the only one who knows I did this piggish act and not one but two donuts.

After eating the two sweets, I felt so guilty I mowed the lane to my house.  It’s not a quarter mile, but more than an eighth.  I had to push mow many trips and on each side of the road.  Laura sprayed the grass that had grown in the middle of it with Round Up this weekend.  We mixed it strong to do a good job.  I was really tired after mowing the lane and sat the rest of the afternoon and enjoyed all the birds that visited my feeders.  I took pictures and will share another day.

Please don’t tell anyone about me gorging  on the donuts.  I sufficiently punished myself by mowing for two hours.  

All this work I never used to do I just sat and watched my husband.   Woe is me.   

Hold On

You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light.
And I wish I could protect you
From the worries of this life.
But if there's one thing i could tell you
It's no matter what you do
Hold on to Jesus, He’s  holding onto you

Sunday, September 20, 2020

My Favorite Pumpkin

Ada is heading to church.  I bought her this pumpkin outfit at Sams.  It’s 18 months which she almost is.  I get to stay with her Wednesday as Marge is going to the doctor. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Lost but Found

 Laura made me this envelope like porch for my coupons.  Mostly, now it’s just ones Kroger sends me.  The stuff in the ones that come with the newspaper are usually for things I don’t use.  I lost my coupon holder at Kroger this week. I realized that it was not in my cart, but I had to pick Siggie up from school and didn’t have time to go search for it.  I told the checker about dropping it.  Today, when I went to Kroger I checked at the service desk and someone had turned it in.   I am so glad to have it back and plan to take better care of it from now on.

Cooler Stroll

 It was about 64 when I walked at 7:30.  Pretty cool.  I walked to the pond. I put a lease on Phinnie when we get to the road because some folks drive really fast even on gravel roads.I really enjoyed all the flowers.  Sig’s lavender is really pretty.  The small pick and white wild flower was my favorite today.  I couldn’t find it in my book.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



Ada is always ready to help Greta with her Homework.  She’ll even stamp sister’s foot to get her attention.

Walking this Morning

Today Phinnie and I met a friend when we walked.  He went in his house and didn’t even say “hi”.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ada Sings On Sunday

 Ada’s at church and she may sing “ Father Abraham Had Many Sons” this service.  Earlier she was helping Momma by dusting the bottom shelf of a table!

Saturday, September 12, 2020


Phinnie and I see lots of mushrooms when we walk.  Several kinds are deadly and I am ignorant so I wouldn’t dare try to cook any.  Sister Patsy loved to gather them and cook them.  She said they reminded her of meat. They remind me of fairy tales.


Football Masked

 Sigrid is a sophomore.  She attended the football game last night.  It was a new experience. You could sit with your group of friends, I think 5.  Rows were closed and some open to separate folks.  Ingrid attended and Sigrid sent me a picture of the two of them.  I hope the kids get to have some sporting events.  

September Half Gone


Astrid made this door hanger for her Mom’s front door.  She has been able to sell a few.  The Fitness center is still closed so she still has no employment.  She’d like a job but that has to be worked around classes.  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Always a Nightmare

 My new couch came and I did like Sister Helen said and asked them to bring it in.  They did.  I told them they could take my old couch to give away if they wanted to.  They did and loaded it up. Well, the legs went on find on the left side of the couch, but the right screws were too large for the insert they were to be screwed into.  The delivery guys said I should ask for a new one.  They’d have to send someone to pick up this one.  There was a phone number so I called. Yes,I could have another  one sent.  I’d keep this one and they’d send someone else to get it.  I gave my old couch away.

Larry went to a screw place when he needed screws.  That’s all they sell.  I took the one that did not fit and the guy measured it and sold me 4 screws the next size down.  I tipped the couch over and put in 3 of the smaller screws I purchased.  The one slot had the insert pushed completely out.  The delivery man likely did this trying to put the too large screws the sent into the slot.  So one leg is held with only one screw but I think it’ll be ok.  Astrid can probably put a new insert in for me.

So then I had to call Sams back and tell them I just wanted to keep the defective couch.  I may ge a little discount, but either way it’s okay.  I really like the couch.  It’s lots smaller and I can scoot it out easily to sweep under it.  It pretty comfortable too.  

Leaves are starting to turn red but it is still stifling hot here.  The humidity is high and walking is uncomfortable.

Here is the silver screw I bought and the larger screw that would not fit in the smaller device for my couch legs.  Seems like since Larry passed everything I do gets messed up.  I don’t even know the correct word to use when talking about a problem.  Hope tomorrow is cooler and calmer.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

New Couch Tomorrow

 This is my new couch.  It’s smaller.  I bought it at Sams with free shipping.  The couch I have is big and bulky, a reclining one.  My new one is simple like me.  Laura and I saw it in real life at Sams and sat on it.  I am excited to get it.

New Air

 Laura is getting new air.  The old one had lasted 20 years and was pretty much shot.  She is putting heat and air upstairs too.  Going to be nice for them.  They had window units upstairs.  

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Ada’s New Trick


Ada is climbing and standing in chairs.  Erin chastised her for this in the book room so she pulled her chair in the den And proceeded to climb up on it and stand up.