
Friday, April 30, 2021

Ada is Caught Up

Ada went to the Dr. today.  She is all caught up to her age group in height and weight.  It took to years for her body to catch up.  


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Math Problem

 😺 + 🐥 = 10

🤡 + 🐥 =  20

🤡 + 😺 =  24

Question Fleta 

😺 + 🐥 + 🤡 = ?

I saw this on FB and enjoyed solving it.  I’ll put answer in previous post comments.  Not this post—previous one.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Female Indigo Bunting

Today the Indigo Bunting came back and he brought his bride.  She is not as flashy in color as he but just as beautiful.  She must be shy as I see him often but today was the first time she came to visit.  I put a couple of photos of him after the ones of her.  Larry's Mom called these Mountain Blue Birds.


Two Good Folks

 Some things in life are disappointing, but these two are high points for me.   Blessed.

Indigo Bunting

The Indigo Bunting came yesterday.  I see this little bird along my way to my mailbox.  They like a woodsy habitat, but yesterday he stopped by my feeder.  

Indigo Buntings sing from treetops, shrubs, and telephone lines all summer. This species eats insects, seeds, and berries, and can be attracted to backyards with thistle or nyjer seed. While perching, they often swish their tails from side to side. 


Tuesday, April 27, 2021



Everyday when I walk I try to take notice things around me.  Flowers, birds, rocks,  trees— I take it all in. I breathe it in and try to enjoy the world I’m in.  My watch helps me walk daily.  It hovers over me and reminds me to move.

Haircut Today


Greta got her soccer pictures.  She is really slim and I think she’ll be tall.

I get my hair cut about every six weeks.  Today was the day and I feel renewed.  Larry hated really short hair.  After he passed, I decided to cut my hair short as I can’t fix it worth a flip.  I like it short.

Monday, April 26, 2021



I’ve always been intrigued by the word firmament.  Yeah, I am easily amused.  I think of  Genesis.

Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.

The firmament is the arch we see when we look far into the distance.  God separated the waters above from the waters below.  What an image it creates in my mind.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Braided Rug

 Sister finished her braided rug.  

Friday, April 23, 2021

Called the Plumber


Today, the commode wouldn’t stop running.  Probably, had ran over an hour when I discovered it.  Larry took care of all these things.  This had happened a couple years ago and he replaced a red gasket . He’d even sent me to Lowe’s to buy a couple extra.  I tried to replace the thing, but couldn’t get it to hold.  What to do but call the plumber.  She came and had it fixed in a few minutes.  What would I do without her!?

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Yellow Finch


I watched the birds yesterday.  I love the little ones.  They are brave coming to the feeder.  I read yesterday that a common phrase in the Bible is repeated 70 times.  That phrase is “do not be afraid”.  Now, this total does not include “don’t fear” and similar meanings.  If we know the ending of a book and it’s a happy one, we can have confidence as we read that all is well.  Still, I fret and am often fearful.  I must pray for help continually.  I think the little Yellow Finch is saying a prayer or maybe he is being thankful that I have provided his nourishment.  

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Frosty Morn

Well, the weather man was not a liar.  There is frost covering Galla Meadow and ice in the bird bath.  I wish he had fibbed this time.  

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;

And give us not to think so far away

As the uncertain harvest; keep us here

All simply in the springing of the year.

Robert Frost


Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Snowing at the home place, but Cousin Win tops them with her snow in K C.


Let the Light Shine

 Laura added to solar lights to her stand alone garage.  There’s no electricity in the garage.   The sun energizing them during the day.  Then they come on at dark and shine for 10 hours.  And tada they worked.  

Two Sigrid’s

Went to one of my favorite places today, Pope County Library.  There I met a new friend with a familiar name—Sigrid!  Now my goal is for the two Sigrid’s to meet.  Sigrid is a Scandinavian given name for women from Old Norse Sigríðr, meaning "victory", "wisdom", and "beautiful".  Common nicknames include Siri, Sigga, Sig, and Sigi. An Estonian variant is Siiri. The Latvian version of the name is Zigrīda.  It’s a favorite name of mine—along with Astrid, Ingrid, Greta, Ada and of course Clayton.


Monday, April 19, 2021


Finished Sister’s  Great Grand baby blanket. 

Of all the birds from East to West
That tuneful are and dear,
I love that farmyard bird the best,
They call him Chanticleer.

Gold plume and copper plume,
Comb of scarlet gay;
'Tis he that scatters night and gloom,
And whistles back the day!

Katherine Tynan Hinkson

And I thought I was doing good— high stepping.  Well, Sister Fleta makes sure she gets 10,000 steps a day.  At work, now she gets up and goes upstairs if she has been sitting at her desk for an extended period. I measure my exercise in miles.  I walk a mile plus in the morning.  Later, I walk half a mile to get my mail.  Low and behold, Sister’s 10,000 steps adds up to 5 miles. My measly mile is only 2,000 steps.  Sister is edging near 75.  I need to get with it.  Step, step and step more.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Solar Lights

 Laura doesn’t have electricity in her separate garage.  It’s not a big problem except for lighting.  Astrid installed solar lights outside the Galla Creek house.  She loves them.  Laura is following Astrid’s lead.  They look good.  Installed by Pop’s girl.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Cross Vine
Trumpet Vine

Wildflowers I enjoyed this morning.  I tried to identify them from my color coded book.  Finding out what they are is the most interesting part of seeing wildflowers.

Spiderwort or Wandering Jew.


Lemon Cake

This cake sounds good.  Blue berries will be here soon.  I may try it.


Friday, April 16, 2021



Astrid has lots of flowers blooming.  Laura sent me this picture of the pretty Iris.  I like the color.  

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Wood Sorrel

Yesterday, I potted the Wood Sorrel in an old holey bucket.  I hope it will live and bloom for me.   Phinnie and I walked this morning and marveled at the Maple Larry planted on our back boundary between us and the City of Atkins property.  They own Galla Lake.  It’s a watershed for drinking, always pristine. Larry dreamed of building a house back there 30 years ago and he planted some trees.  There’s a nice Ash tree he planted there too.  He never built that dream house back there, but I’m glad he had a vision and planted trees and flowers. Phinnie and I enjoy seeing things he left for us.  Once he put a rope swing in one of the huge old trees and the grand girls would come and say, push me, Pop, as he was the best pusher.  They’d fly away toward the clouds.  He carried a little grill back there and would let then grill hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks.  If he had Feist pups, he took those back there with us.  We had the best time.  Precious memories.