
Friday, December 31, 2021

Egg Gathering

I gathered 4 eggs yesterday.  But above is what Astrid got in a week.  I know she sells them at work.  I thought one of my Easter Eggers was just too large.  Astrid said Gigi, “it’s a rooster”.  You ordered one rooster.  I’m getting slow thinking.  Oh, course that’s why it was larger.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Top Shooter

 Greta attended a skills basketball camp this week.  She was best shooter in 5th grade girls, and second overall for all the group.  She made 60 of 100 shots.  They shoot around an arc in and farther out.  Greta is developing a beautiful shot.  I’m so proud.

Poor Little Ada Mae

These pictures are not in order, but first Ada spilled her cheerios.  Then she thought she’d just eat them off the ground.  Then her Mother yelled at her about that.  Then she showed her temper and stomped the cheerios.  


Monday, December 27, 2021

New Week


January is puzzle time. Sigrid put this one together.  Laura thinks I can.  I have trouble with ones with over 500 pieces as there isn’t room on the card table.  I don’t want dementia or those other dreaded old people diseases and puzzles work the brain.    I do the cryptogram in the Courier and used to do the crossword in the AR Democrat, but that paper is no more.  Do you work puzzles?

Well, since I am the head Gardener here, I am burning sticks and leaves again.  I’m enjoying having a walking partner this week.  Next week Laura will be back at work.   I’ll be on my own once more.  I watched this Fox squirrel while walking.  He was running around looking in all his hiding places for acorns.  I think he’d forgotten where he’d hid his prizes.  I put things away often and then can’t find that good place I put them.  Those puzzles may not be working. 😝😝

Astrid loves her chicks.
Ingrid is glad she has a break from school.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Another Book Finished

 This book was really good.  Ron Howard was a success and part of the reason he was—he had good parents.  They were THERE.  They did not spend the money he and his brother made.  They took a cut, 5%, the rest was put away for Ron and Clint.  The family did not live beyond their means.  I got the book because I saw my Blog friend Donna liked it.  Once again, Donna did not let me down.



Well, Astrid is going to ride with Logan on the trails.  He gifted her a Honda for Christmas.  Last year, he gave her 2 donkeys.  He is a special guy.  He said in March he and Astrid will have been together 5 years.  He is one of a kind.

Doggie Christmas

Larry always went to McDonald’s and bought the dogs a hamburger for Christmas.  It’s a melancholy time for me.  This morning I made biscuits and gravy for Phinnie and Cora.  Got over to Laura’s for our celebration and Phoebe was dressed as Mrs. Claus and Frodo was an elf.  I think next year I’ll get a Santa suit for Phinnias.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Laura’s bunch drew names so it would be easier on the girls.  Sigrid told her parents that she was still at home and wanted presents.  She said her sisters got presents when they were her age.
Erin’s three this morning.  Don’t know what they got from Santa.

Sigrid has a monogrammed robe.  
Ingrid and Justin with their dogs.

Christmas Merry

Warm today.  Back in 2012, we had a little snow.  I am sad at holidays.  It makes me ashamed of myself.  

Hope your Christmas is bright πŸŽ„πŸŽ„


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Easter Egg


It’s not Easter, but I have colored eggsπŸ’š.  I have 2 black, 2 white with gray tips, and 2 gray Easter Egger hens.  I don’t know which one laid the green egg.  Hope some lay blue eggs!  I love their breaded cheeks.  I’m getting brown eggs from the Cinnamon Queens, also.  Three eggs a day is my tops.  I’m making corn bread for supper to use an egg.  What will I have with it…well, milk of course.  Wishing I had buttermilk.  That’d be even better.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


The only difference in the two photos is Laura’s glasses.  She just started wearing them this year.  Sometimes she wears them on her head.

Helen lost a lens out of a pair of her glasses.  She has several pair.  She was mowing the yard when it popped out.   She could not find it. She left the one lens glasses in her car and Fleta often teased her about finding a one eyed person to give them to.  This week she has been taking Gilbert’s little dog out to the bathroom.  She looked down and there was her lost lens. She’d mowed over it a few times.  It was in good shape.  She washed it and put it back in her frames and is enjoying her glasses again.  When we lose things we love we feel sad.  Jesus feels that way about lost sheep.  He’s calling.



Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Cheering the Razorbacks

 Eric, Laura, Sigrid and Ellie are enjoying a Razorback game.  Hope we win this one.

Better Than One Egg

I was thrilled with getting one egg so now I’m really smiling—two eggs last two days.  Astrid brought me a bale of old hay to scatter in my pen and Laura got new shavings for their nests.  On the way to walk today, Astrid spied two huge hawks.  I won’t let them out til 3 and maybe the hawks will have gone to bed.  They hunt early and around noon.  At least, I’m wishing that.  


Good Company

Getting to walk with good company this week.  Lil’ Red is on Christmas holidays and Astrid is in between semesters at ATU.  We really bundle up—three layers—it was nice this morning.  We had to go early as the Christensen’s are going to a Razorback game and Astrid works at C and D Drug at noon.  If you need a booster for Covid, she can help you.  I am thankful for family today.  I have but two sisters remaining from my growing up family.  They are jewels.  I feel compassion for those with no family left or a family split.  If you are estranged from family, forgive and embrace them again.  What a gift it would be to be reunited at Christmas.


Monday, December 20, 2021

The Cold Moon

This morning I rose early as usual.  I wanted to make sure I saw the December full moon.  I guess a reflection put the green cast on the tree.  December's Cold Moon rose on Friday night. It is both the longest full moon of the year and the last before the winter solstice on Tuesday, December 21.

After Tuesday, days will slowly get  longer and nights shorter.  Cold Moon is the most common name for our last full moon of 2021.  Native Americans also called it Long Night Moon because it shines on the longest nights of the year.  If you hurry you can go out and view the Cold Moon.



Oh, look πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ”.  If we are patient and persevere, what a wonderful reward awaits us.  Yesterday, my first egg was in the nest.  Astrid and I ordered these chickens the end of June and now six months later, I gatherπŸ’™. This egg is from a Cinnamon Queen.  I’m anxious to see an Easter Egger one.  

I enjoyed my harvest for breakfast and it was delicious.  The egg seems small, but I think they’ll be a little larger than this later.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dribble, Drive, Shoot, Score

 Greta played basketball at Springfield, MO yesterday.  I don’t get to see her play and it breaks my heart.   I love basketball.  Her face is a little red so I think she got to play a bunch.  πŸ€⛹🏼‍♀️

Friday, December 17, 2021

Merry Merry

Too much love never spoils a child. Children become spoiled when we substitute presents for presence.

Ada has school pictures too.  She spreads joy and is the best gift.   She’s usually merry, merry.  πŸ””πŸ””πŸ””