
Thursday, February 29, 2024


The Chicken Hawk was very brave.  He's in the Oak Tree near my house.  I finally opened the door and shooed him.  I guess the Hawk is my least favorite bird.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Stinky Tree

The Ornamental Pear trees are blooming.  They are not a favorite of mine.  The tree is a creation of man.  Leave it to man to create a tree called a Pear tree that bears no fruit.  Many yards and store island areas have this type tree. It grows fast and has a pretty shape without being trimmed.   The blooms stink and the tree never will be very big.  They break in storms because the wood is soft.   They have tiny pears the size of a little cherry.  The birds eat the seeds and spread the Pear trees around.  The new tree is changed—full of thorns.  A lot of man’s ideas turn to thorns.  What if REAL pear trees had been planted?  Wouldn't that be awesome. Pears growing and spreading with fruit to eat!


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


“She turned to the sunlight

    And shook her yellow head,

And whispered to her neighbor:

    "Winter is dead.”

― A.A. Milne


Trash to Treasure

When Sister Helen was in AZ, she found a FB page for free stuff.  She looked Daily and would go get things she thought she’d use. She got clay pots, flowers, lots of things.  She saw a laundry basket/hamper that was canvas she wanted.  It was full of stuff.  The rule is you take all.  There was a flat iron in there she gave to Laura.  Laura’s was old and didn’t get very hot.  Laura sent the pictures this morning.  The edge is rounded so it works like a curling iron too.  Usually you can find someone who wants your junk.

Laura’s hair was once red, but like Pop it’s turning gray.  It makes her hair look more blond.  Folks probably think she lightens it.  



Over the weekend everyone was burning brush!  I had my fire pit full so I finally lit it.  It was a little windy but my pit is contained.  All my limbs are ash!  I’m “fixin’ to” fill it up again!


Monday, February 26, 2024

New Raised Beds

New raised beds—Asti and Logi worked on the drainage by the carport and reconstructed her raised beds.  There’s 3 raised gardens.  One has strawberries.  She’ll fill the others up with vegetables! She has her Pop’s genes.  Phinnie and I walked over to their house this morning to look and see.  We had permission!!

Flowers for Pop

 Pop got new flowers!  Thankful to my girls for being with me!  February 29th he’ll be gone 4 years!  Logan snapped the photo.  My sisters came over to greet me!  I’m so much trouble!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Queen of Gospel


Friend Kay and I attended a book talk at ATU where Janis Kearney spoke about her life and her new book, Only on Sundays.  The book is about the life of the queen of gospel music!  Just finished the book and enjoyed learning about Mahalia! Janis’ life is an interesting one!  She was born in Varner, AR to a family of 18 children.

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Sister Helen is a friend of the library.  She is spearheading a fund raiser for the children’s department.  She got some neat donations and is going to have a raffle.  
These jonquils are blooming along the side fence.   


This is Sigrid and Lane.  Lane came to ATU from Colorado.  She isn’t staying. She’s had accidents in her car and she’s a long way from home.  She’s transferring next school term probably.  It’s a small world.  Her great grandfather and I were teachers at the same school.
My friend Mary sent me this blessing in the mail.  It’s wonderful.  Mary is my friend who is 94.  When I visited her Monday, she had me sit in her most comfortable chair.  It’s a glider and she could not recall that word.  Yesterday she called me as she remembered glider.  I can’t think of words often.  What will I be like when I’m 94!

Moon over Crow Mountain—it’s called the Snow Moon.  Picture with my old phone is not a good one.  Glad we’re having spring and not snowy weather.  The Snow Moon is named because of the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month, according to National Weather Service. Lots of other names for this month’s Moon—Hunger Moon, Eagle Moon, Bear Moon, Raccoon Moon, Groundhog Moon, and Goose Moon. February’s full Moon is also a “Micromoon” this year. The opposite of a “Supermoon.”  This full Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (not the nearest point). In astronomical terms, this is called “apogee.”  February’s Micro full Moon is about 252,225 miles from Earth. The moon doesn’t orbit the earth in a perfect circle but it’s elliptical making some full moons farther away than others.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Mossy Rocks

Yesterday Phinnie and I walked to Pop’s pond!  Lots of moss covered boulders dot the landscape.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Maran Egg

Yesterday I got a Maran egg.  It’s the really dark brown one!  It’s too pretty to eat!  These pretty hens are Asti’s!


Monday, February 19, 2024

More of Treat

Laura made Mary a pretty pot holder.  It matches Mary’s yellow kitchen.  Mary heats with wood.  Her small house is two stories.

Mary has a small bathroom and bedroom down stairs now.  Her original bedroom was upstairs.  Her children worried about her going up and down the stairs so her sons enclosed a back porch and made a small bedroom and bathroom.  It’s walled with cedar.  No termites and it smells wonderful.
Treat Hollow Mary lives high on the mountain above Treat.


Treat, Arkansas

Old Humphrey house and barn 

Laura didn’t have school today—Presidents’ Day!  She said she’d take me to see my friend, Mary!  Off we went to Treat, AR!   Treat is at the top of the world near Piney Creek.  This time we didn’t get lost.  It was great to see Mary.  I’ve been lying about Mary’s age—saying she is 93.  Today I learned she’s already 94.  When I get to feeling old, I think about Mary and realize I’m really young! 

Treat, AR is a very old little village.  It had a post office from 1898 until 1952.  At one time homes dotted old hiway 7 and the road to Treat.  Now it’s mostly forest land.  Granny’s Uncle Joe Humphrey once lived where Mary does.  Joe Humphrey married Anna Waterman.  Their daughter Gladys Humphrey Yeager lived on the farm after her parents passed away!  Bill and Mary were the next owners.  Each piece of land has a history just like people!


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Ethel’s Sourdough

This recipe is for me.  I asked Laura to share it with me and she sent these images.  This is Larry’s Mothers’s recipe and the bread was so delicious.  If I get brave, I’ll be able to locate the recipe with a search.

Another Painting Class

Laura and Astrid took another painting class.  This one was water color.  Astrid is painting an owl.  Water color is really hard to master.  Laura did not share what she painted.  
Eric cooked us a steak last night.  It was so good.  I saved half for today.  The grilled vegetables were good too.  Laura made that sour dough bread.  It was all heavenly.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Join a Gym

My little weight weighs 18 pounds.  I lift 2 or 3 times a week.  I try to walk daily at least 30 minutes and ride my bike during jeopardy for 20 minutes.  I still find myself weaker as each year slides by.

Astrid got a gym membership from Logan for Christmas.  She told him the one she wanted.  I lift weights, but it’s nothing like this workout!


Friday, February 16, 2024


The Harrison High School basketball coach feted Greta and her teammates with donuts to celebrate their successful season! 17-3! Track has started and Greta is a thrower—shot and discus! 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Carrying Gifts

Helen got new glasses in AZ.  I may pick some like them this year.  Maybe not quite as big of frame.  
Laura said this was Aunt Helen coming home.  She had her little car loaded.  Lots of gifts for everyone.
Yesterday, about 1:00, she headed to Coin, AR.  She arrived safely.  Greg helped her unload her car.
I’m glad Sister took I 40 rote and stayed with me.  She said this is likely her last drive to AZ.  It was difficult for her.  She will join the 70 club in August.  I know our other Sister will be glad to have her back next door.
Two of my gifts were fruit. Sweet, sweet oranges and lemons she picked by the road.  Also, flowersshe potted in clay pots.  One is an orchid.  Hope I can keep it alive.