
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Country When it isn’t Cool

Astrid isn’t your typical young music fan.  Country is her love. Growing up she listened to country radio with her Pop.  She’s country through and through.  She and Logan are enjoying Alan Jackson’s last call tonight.  Pop’s smiling up there.

Sister Fleta is into her second childhood as she’s using a tricycle again.  She says it’s a step saver.  Hopefully, she’ll get to see bone doctor tomorrow!

 Easy Crochet site—this is so I can find these patterns again.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


My Sister Fleta had a bad fall yesterday after stepping in a hole in the yard. She fell breaking the fibular bone near the left ankle. She has a soft cast for now and will go to bone doctor Monday. She’ll  likely get a real cast.  It does not hurt she says, but she has medicine if it starts to. Sister Helen is taking good care of her!  What would we do without our Florence Nightingale—Helen! 

Luckily, she had her phone in her pocket and she called Sister Helen.  Helen drove her car to where she lay and with Fleta’s help got her in the car and to the emergency!  Helen is staying with her.  I will be worried until Monday when we know more.  She works a full time job, but will be off work for a while. She is the eldest of we three.  We aren’t just sisters we are friends too.  

Her son took her to Colorado a few weeks back to Grandson Lane’s wedding. The photo is son George and his two children.  George has his Mom’s dry wit.  When speaking to Helen he said, “she was probably drunk”.  You’d have to know Fleta like her family does to see the humor in his comment!  Praying she’ll be back doing her daily walks soon.  She picks up trash as she walks the dirt roads.  That chore is endless as by the next day more is tossed out windows of vehicles! 


Friday, September 27, 2024

Being a Help

Helped someone with a genealogy question and they surprised me with a pretty bouquet.  So sweet of her.
Went to Van Buren last evening to watch Greta play volleyball.  Well, Laura took me.  Greta’s hearing aid has a problem and it had to be sent off.  Ears affect balance.  Hopefully she’ll get it back soon.  When you have a handicap growing up is harder.  Greta has lots of talents that shine!


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Arkansas Grand Canyon

My friend Kay and I ate at Cliff House yesterday in the Arkansas Grand Canyon!  Next week we’re going to Leslie to the Skylark Cafe!  Leaves are not turning yet but I enjoyed getting out!



Reading this Week


What I’m reading this week! So thankful my Green Forest Elementary teachers lit a candle in my soul for reading!  Bessie Minick Atchley is my reading angel💙

Up In the Air is so good!  Sister Fleta found it at the junk store for a buck!  Betty Evans was one of the first airline stewardesses for Pan Am.  It’s so interesting!  They flew young American men to Vietnam for one thing.  She was stationed in San Francisco and flew the  Pacific mostly!  I loved it! 

Ozarks Plants is about trees, shrubs, Wildflowers, and grasses of the Ozarks Mountains of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.  Read it once, but going to read it again!

Wanted: Toddler’s Personal Assistant is a memoir of a nanny working in Manhattan.  I’ve just started it.

I feel blessed, happy, entertained and content when I have a good book to take me places!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Last night it sprinkled!  Not much but it’ll help the meadow grasses survive!  I walked to Pop’s Pond!  It’s way low!  My neighbors were busy eating breakfast and didn’t come over to say hello!

The sprinkle made me think of being baptized.  Some believe you can just sprinkle others think immersion is what it should be. Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists baptize by sprinkling.  Baptists and many non-denominational Christians teach immersion only is valid.  Since it’s letting all know one is a Christian I think either would suffice as it denotes a covenant.  I think of it like this— a covenant is drawn up between two people, does it matter what paper it's written on? 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

My Latest Trick

Oh, I have fallen to a new low! I beg for food.   I’m thrilled  I can can still think, read, and remember, but I can’t cook.  Everything I mix up is gross.  So when Laura or my Grandgirls cook, I hint for a sample!  Laura puts the dish in my mailbox.  I get it on my morning stroll!  This morning Laura “mailed” me homemade sourdough bread.  Last week, I got a taco salad.  Astrid shared pesto sauce yesterday.  She made it with her home grown basil.    I’m a hillbilly!  What shall I eat it with?  I am so thankful for my family!  I am blessed💙


Monday, September 23, 2024

Blue Mistflower

I spied the Blue Mistflower today!  Easy to see why it’s called Blue Mist 💙. It likes water so without some rain the blooms won’t linger!  It’s an aster.


Sunday, September 22, 2024


It’s so hot here again, we’re working on indoor crafts.  It was 97 yesterday.
Astrid painted a Thanksgiving platter this weekend.  I like the soft colors.  It’s being fired now, but maybe it’ll hold a Turkey this November🦃
Sigrid went to Fayetteville this weekend.  A friend is engaged.  She’s the short one.  She is a lawyer.  Doesn’t look old enough but she is.

Ada got new pink boots!  I can tell she’s loving them.  One year Laura bought Sigrid red boots!  Sig wore them out♥️

I crocheted Sigrid a little purse to carry her little things in.
Laura handcrafted Sigrid a Tech sweatshirt.  It’s a one of a kind.  She sewed the letters then cut around them.  The fabric will fray.  Then she hand top stitched around each letter. It’s my color.  I love tan and brown. Sister Helen says no one else does.

Morning in the Meadow

Walking early to beat the heat!  My neighbors were out early too!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Volleyball and blooms

Greta got her new volleyball pictures.  She’s in grade 8.  
Ada got to go on first field trip.  She visited a farm.  Erin told her she might get to milk a cow like I did growing up.  I can say—not fun.  I hated it.  She and Erin watched a cooking show.  The cook was elderly.  Ada said—she’s old like Gigi 💙 

My friend Margaret had these hydrangeas  blooming in her yard yesterday!  Hydrangea means water jar in Greek.  They need lots of water.  Their color partly depends on the acidity of the  soil.  More acid more blue, less acid more pink! They are a native to Asia.  Leaves contain cyanide!  They are deadly.


Thursday, September 19, 2024


I had yellow yarn left from my last baby blanket so I bought a variegated skein to accent it and used up my scraps.



I had an overnight guest; Sister came!  We’re twinkies.  Our likes and dislikes are so similar it’s scary!  We walked before breakfast and then  I fixed poached eggs and toast.  We both love em just like our Dad💙 Both love walking too!  She has walked 10,000 steps each day for years! 

We saw pretty stuff in Astrid’s yard.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

High and Low

Swamp Grass
Red Fescue
Spider Trap


At 6:00 AM I could still see the big beautiful Harvest moon.  I watched it last night—better than tv! But this morning as I walked I set my focus on the earth!  So many pretty grasses are going to seed!  They’d add beauty to any bouquet!

 Harvest Moon

Doll’s Daisy

Yesterday, I was fascinated by all the Doll’s Daisies along my path. They are really pretty but so tiny you must “look and see” or you’ll miss them! They are of aster family and grow about 3 feet tall.  The plant will be covered with a sea of tiny daisy like flowers alive with bees and butterflies in September.

Sister Fleta is coming today.  She’ll stay one night. It’s good to have some company.