
Monday, January 27, 2025

Nuclear Plant

My town has a Nuclear Plant.  That’s where Logan is working now. They are building a road. The Plant was built in the late 60’s and early 70’s. The taxes it pays boasts the economy here. Each year their rate goes down so now it’s not as big an impact. In 1972-73 I got my first teaching job at Pottsville. My contract was just over 3,000 dollars. The next year I was able to get a job in Russellville and my contact was 7,500. I stayed with that job 39 years. I retired in 2012. This is my 13th year of staying home. It was hard to adjust. Sister Fleta is 77. She’s decided to retire in the fall.  I think she said she’d worked at Tyson’s 39 years. 

Logan’s birthday party was fun. The game ingrid invented was family feud. Ingrid called Logan and asked questions. He’d give 5 answers. There were 2 teams and you clapped to buzz in. Everyone was yelling at Logan. For name a pizza topping, he did— not necessarily his favs! It was fun. I didn’t stay for the game time. I watched the Chiefs and the game was a great one.  I never watched pro football, but my cousin Winnie lives near K. C. And of course is a fan. Donna Wood is too. Anyhow, I’m a fan too, now. It’s nice to have a team to root for. 

There were good desserts at Logan’s party—Ingrid’s made two, coconut cream pie and blueberry cinnamon rolls. Laura had strawberry pie. I made lemon bars.  We had ham and cheese sliders and broccoli salad. Sigrid, of course, brought herself. Her sisters tease her about what she’s bringing and it’s “myself”. Her Dad will say—microwave Mac and cheese. Sig’s the baby and she gets picked on. She worked all evening at the College Library before the party. She is liking her job there.


  1. I hated football season, and took to reading while Cliff watched the games. I didn't pay attention to the Chiefs until 2020 when we were supposed to stay home.. I watched the Chiefs, learned to like certain players, and let Cliff explain things I didn't understand. I needed something to get me out of the doldrums and the Chiefs were it! And Cliff is forever grateful that he now has somebody to watch football with.

  2. Sounds like a nice gathering with great food for a birthday party! I am not a football fan, but I heard the Chiefs won. Hope they win the Super Bowl too!
