
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Generation to Generation

Genes pass from generation to generation.
I know from Aunt Thelma to Fleta to Laura
to Mackenzie to Bill to Austin
to Robert to Hannah.
I think red hair ran in the Maples, Cooper,
Gaddy families. These are maternal lines
in our family. I love the red!


  1. You had the only red headed kid, but me and Helen have all the red headed grandkids. Your grandchildren are Powell blonde

  2. I guess the red has to come from the other side too. Think about it. Larry has a brother with real red hair. Kris' husband has reddish hair. Jackie has reddish hair.

    My grandkids got those Norway genes.

  3. I'm wild about red hair. I love the golden glow that the light makes around the hair and skin of redheads. All these children look like little redheaded angels to me.

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