
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Morning after a steady drizzle!

If we did not have all the rains,
the moss would not grow on
my Galla Rocks. The Lord helps
us be thankful for sunshine by
sending long rainy days.

In turn, those rainy days

are treasured after a dry spell.
He sends sickness so we can be happy
with good health. Sadness so we can
celebrate the good times. We have to
go deep into the dark valley to understand
what it feels like in his "light".

If we had everything, we would not be thankful for anything.

Today, I lift up my Lord and give him Praise!

"Peace, be still".


  1. That's got to be the prettiest moss-covered rock in the whole state of Arkansas!

  2. Betty, you've changed your screen-name, but I still think of you as "Sweet Sister 3." Thanks for these gorgeous nature photos, and Happy New Year.

  3. Happy New Year Sister! I agree with Annie. The rock is beautiful!
