
Friday, January 26, 2007

Image and Importance~!

I think this sign is saying ...if we want the image
of our car to be great take it to the body shop
where the arrow points. I like this photo
it reminds me of fixing up our "outside" but
letting our "inside" self go to pot! In the long
run image, does not count for much!
Update on Patsy: Today is supposed to be
dismissal day. They have changed her blood
pressure medicine and would not let her go
home yesterday. We will see I guess.


  1. You can really get fooled thinking something is good on the inside just because it looks good on the outside.

    Tell Patsy we miss her!

  2. Love the photos

    Keeping everything crossed that Patsy comes home

  3. Once a person told me that in the short time that most people have with others, the outside is really all they have to go by when deciding about a person. I've thought about that a lot and have come to the conclusion that being well groomed and clean and having a smile for others is a good exterior to show. And the interior tends to follow, you know, for when I am smiling and feeling clean and neat I also feel healthier and happier.

  4. yes, Annie, being clean is important. It is hard to be friendly holding your nose!
    sis 3

  5. Oh yes, I wanted to say that I'm glad Erin and you had such a good experience at Arkansas Children's Hospital. I've only heard good things about the care and service provided there.
