
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Still Watching!

Yesterday, I got out of the house early to go to the
grocery store before it got so busy. I learned a tight
wad trick from Sister Fleta. I take my local grocery
ads to Wal-Mart and get all the on sale stuff there
at the sale price. It takes longer so I like to go before
the store is crowded. The Wal-Mart Grocery is the
closest to my house too. I prefer the meat from the
Harps store, but I just got it at Wal-Mart yesterday.

Mr. Hawk was out early too as I drove down Bradley
Cove Road. He seemed to be saying, "I was here first
and I am here to stay. Get on your way, Sister".
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  1. Great photos - the hawk is obviously up early looking for a rabbit or something to eat? lol

  2. Like most people, I love a bargain, or what seems like a bargain. I have some concern about buying from Wal-Mart, however, since they it has crowded out local businesses and has a terrible reputation with suppliers.

  3. My husband hates Wal-Mart. Sometimes I am just too old and tired to venture out farther though.

    I love the Harps Store but it is several miles farther from me.
    Sister 3

  4. That old hawk is waiting for you to get skinny from eating all those oat bran muffins then he's going to swoop down and get you! lol
