
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Wild Violet!

Yesterday while walking through Galla Wood, I
saw this wild Violet. It's bloom was the size
of a dime! It is so tiny, but so beautiful!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Sig's Big Bash!

Erin, I uploaded a bunch of the photos to brenfroe
just for you to see. They are big sized so you can
order some if you want, but you will have to wait
to see each one as it takes a while for them to
She liked her cake with the dogs best of all!

Today is a Special Day!

Sigrid is joy unspeakable

To me and Pop!

Today Sigeroo is two!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bush Pile is a Memory!

Brush pile over that the meadow is a memory.
A rabbit ran out when I lit it but no snakes.
After the pile was gone, the rain came so
our potatoes and onions will grow!
I also worked cleaning the fence row,
but a lot is still to be done there.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Busy over in the Meadow!

We got our onions and potatoes planted. When you
are old the best way to get up or down is to stay in
one place or the other....Mr. R figured this out as he
planted the onion sets.
We went all over looking for seed potatoes and got
the reply...'no one plants those anymore'. Finally
found them at the Gorees at Pottsville. Little 80
year old Mrs. Goree runs the seed store. She said
'Yes, we have seed potatoes. I still plant them!'
Today we are putting up Martin houses, burning
a little bush pile, and no telling what else over
in the Meadow. A Martin scout came yesterday
so we better get the apartments ready!
Patsy, the chickens just laid 5 eggs yesterday
about 10 are setting and those games may have
heard the rumor I wish them dead!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Grandmother's Grave

Grandmother is here. Brother Richard is named
for her son and he named a daughter Carolyn....
was she named for Caroline Roberts Thomas?
Maybe so.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Found Grandma!

Fleta found Grandma. How exciting. We have been hunting
Grandmas and Grandpas so long, I know we will not find many
more. So I was ecstatic when she called Saturday
morning with the good news that Grandma had been found.
We have know Grandma's name for a long time, she is
Caroline Thomas. She was the mother of Grandpa Charlie
Ross Thomas. But recently ancestry posted some new
censuses and in Iowa, Charlie's sister, Mary answered a
census question~Who was your mother with the name.
CAROLINE ROBERTS and tada Grandma is found. With a
last name, Fleta quickly followed Grandma's life path and
located her as a young girl living with her father and mother
in Marion County, Ohio. Father is Thompson Roberts and
Mother is Ruth last name unknown. Caroline's mother,
father and oldest brother were born in Pennsylvania, but
the rest of the family were born in Ohio. They were there
in 1840. Thompson Roberts was surely Welch like our
Powells. He may be related to Mathias Roberts who
married Rebecca Thompson. During the Rev. War, Rebecca
made it to the blockhouse with two small sons and survived
an Indian massacre. Was one of the sons Grandpa?
Name: Thompson E. Roberts
Sex: M
Birth: 27 Jun 1805 in Pennsylvania
Death: 13 Feb 1867 in Ohio
Burial: Marion Co., Ohio

1850 family is in Scott Twp, Marion Co. Ohio. In 1860
Thompson, Ruth and 3 sons are on same page of census
as daughter Caroline Thomas and Josephine Clark in
Marshall Co. Iowa.A. M. Roberts age 38 born Pennsylvania
is listing right above Thompson Roberts on 1860 census.
[wife Mary F. age 28 born Ohio, dau Ella E. age 7
(1853) b. Illinois, Effia E. age 6 (1854) b. Iowa,
Emma age 1 b. Iowa, Cynthia Roberts age 51 (1809) born Ohio.
This must the the Augustus Roberts on the 1850 census.
1840 census Thompson E. Roberts is on Marion Co.
Ohio census1-0-1-1-0-1 / 2-1-1-0-1.Marion Co. Ohio
ROBERTS, Thompson E. d Feb 13 1867
Aged: 61y 7m 16d Caledonia Old (13)
Claridon birth day calculates to June 27, 1805
and Barbara Midlam and Mary Brocklesby on April 16, 1977.
The cemetery is located in Section 1 of Claridon Township,
100 feet East of County Road 194 (Caledonia Northern Rd),
200 feet north of County Road 114 , containing .57 acres.
There is a fence on three sides and it is fairly well kept.
Many of the stones are broken and crumbled. Most of the
stones are not in their Original position. The graveyard
was laid out and dedicated about the year 1824-25.
It is situated on the west bank of the Whetstone River
within the limits of the village of Caledonia. It was the
first burying ground in Claridon Township and many of
the early pioneers were buried here. The cemetery contains
the remains of two or three Revolutionary War Veterans of
which only John Irey has been identified. The 1883 Marion
County History states that this cemetery was in poor
condition at that time. The site was used by the public until
April 1875 when a new cemetery association
was formed. (#12 of Marion County Cemeteries)
Marriage 1 Ruth R. b: Abt 1805 in Pennsylvania
Married: Children
Augustus P. Roberts b: 1821 in Pennsylvania
Jane E. Roberts b: Oct 1824 in Ohio
Josephine Roberts b: Abt 1828 in Ohio
Sam Roberts b: 1830 in Ohio
Caroline Roberts b: Nov 1834 in Ohio
Robert R. Roberts b: 1837 in Ohio
James Roberts b: 1841 in Ohio

Grandma and Grandpa, we will keep searching for you!
This Church is in Rule, AR. Wonder what Claridon Cemetery
looks like?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

What A little Sunshine Can do!

I took a picture of Laura's moss a few days ago.
We have had a little sunshine and look what transpired!
A miracle!

Red Bud Road

Red Bud's broader the road
Bidding me to come along
And do more than sit
Just waiting for tomorrow!

Friday, March 23, 2007


Took this at Laura's house. I love this flowering moss.
It likes the pine needles and will grow well around a pine tree.
Spring break is here after today. I made it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Babe

I was at the hospital to see this new baby. His
grandmother works with me. His life will have
bumps but I hope not too many. Mother young,
unmarried, black, poor. I told Grandma every
child was a blessing, the greatest we receive in
life. We had a shower at my school for the little
one and some whispered 'can't go'. I went with
a bigger gift than usual. Maybe I can smooth
out one little bump.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

stained glass

This is the window in the chapel at the hospital
in my town. I notice now that many new homes
have a window that is stained glass. It would be
neat to have one and watch the sun glisten through
the colors!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pre-Depression Style House

This house is located in Russellville, AR. It's what
I call a pre-depression style house. It was likely
built between 1900 and 1920. After the 1930s,
houses were not constructed as sturdy. The gable
has broken glass scattered in it for decoration.
I love the houses of this era!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bradford Pear Tree

I think this tree is the most popular one in my
town. All new yards have them. All the store
island areas will have this type tree. It grows
fast and has a pretty shape without being trimmed.
The blooms stink and the tree never will be very big.
They break in storms because the wood is soft.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Why You don't leave your class!

Someone sent me this picture! It may be a fake, but I
can see this happening in an unattended classroom.
I have had students stick metal paper clips in outlets.
Eat all sorts of stuff. Get stuck in their desks because
they entered them the wrong way. Lock friends in
lockers. Hide in the ceiling of the school (attic). A boy
ran away from home and lived in the school attic several
days. We missed food, candles, etc. He came out at night
sort of like a rat. Today, we are not allowed to have a
candle at school. Lots of other rules that once I would
have thought were stupid...but no more!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mountain Meadows Murder!

Just before Highway 7 takes you to Harrison, AR, you
will pass a big open field, a meadow. I stopped here
when I went to my friend, Remmel Fancher's funeral.
In 1857, a huge caravan of folks met here. They came
for days before and camped in this meadow waiting
to leave for the west. Many Fanchers were in the
group. When the wagon train reached Mountain
Meadows, Utah, they were slaughtered by Mormans
dressed as Indians. Even today, most Mormans will
claim that they didnot comment this deed, but they are
guilty. My father knew one of the 17 children who was
finally returned to Carroll County. I have read many
books about this murder and it is an interesting subject
to read about. One story tells of a girl who they did not
return. She was a twin. DNA today should settle this
mystery and we would know if it were true or false.
Can you feel the excitement in the Meadow as the
group leaves for greener pastures in the west or the
omen of the doom they faced?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Garden is plowed!

Our garden is plowed up but we need to get potatoes,
onions, etc. all in the ground. Maybe next week. This
week at school we gave the Iowa Test of basic skills.
I am pooped.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

New Water Heater & Faucet

The kitchen faucet was dripping, then finally
running a match stem stream so when Larry
put in the new water heater he also bought
a new kitchen faucet. Both these were almost
20 years old. We moved here in 1989. Daddy
died in the fall of '88 and we sold our house
and started this one. We moved in in June of
1989. I don't know how long faucets should
last but I guess that is long time for the kitchen
one as it gets a lot of use.

He picked a faucet like Helen has--price
something is the name. I took a picture of my
new one but there was scum in the sink so I went
to Helen's blog and stole the picture she took of
hers...and scum in my picture.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Old Sister's Blog and My Stimulus

Patsy posts the most interesting things on her blog.
Well, maybe not to you, but to all three of her sisters
she is tops. She gets me interested in something and
I will check it out.

Since Daddy always called her Patty and she has light
red hair everyone has always thought she was Irish
and I am sure we have Irish in there somewhere. She
said maybe our mother's maiden name, Gaddy, was Irish,
so of course, I had to check. I think it is Scottish and
the early Robert Goudy who went into the Cherokee
nation and fathered a bunch of half bred children is of
the Gaddy family. The Cherokee called the name Goody.
One of the girls married the famous white trader, Ludovic

I found another place, Patsy, that said the name Gaddy
came from Hebrew and place GAD.

BTW, the photo is Houston Gaddy, our Grandfather.

Worrying about my Sisters

This year I have spent a lot of time worrying about
Sister, Patsy. She was getting well but not well. I
could tell each day by what she did not say on her
blog....then last week Helen shut up. I worried
quietly to myself all week. Something had to be
wrong with her. Saturday, I tried to call Sister
Fleta as I have that 'free long distance' thing
now. Fleta did not answer, but then she put
a comment on my blog. I called her two more
times, still no answer. Was she watching the
caller ID and not wanting to talk to me?

Well, Patsy says I should not worry about
so many being fat, like what is
going to happen. She says you are fat so
just be ok. She says what is going to
happen will, so don't waste the time
worrying about it. Fleta was in Nebraska
Saturday posting on her and our blogs
with a lap top. They have wireless networks
in all the motels now. Helen was having a
great time with her long-friend, Rhea. They
were out and about and catching that stupid
movie about the pigs. Me---what was I doing
well, I was worrying of course, about Patsy,
Fleta and Helen. Oh, btw, I can tell Patsy is
doing really well. She is making quilts, tending
the chickens, and most of all griping about
the US Government!!! All is right with the
world today. My sisters are all doing good.

I love blogging because I can worry about
my sisters when ever I want to!!@!!

My hot water heater is out. My husband
will put in a new one day. I had to wash my
hair in COLD water~ouch! Then I remember
those days, Patsy, of carrying the water from
the spring and being happy just to have some

Monday, March 12, 2007

White River at Cotter, AR

Sometimes, flying down I 40 and
snapping a photo does not do a
scene justice. Here is a lady who
will show you the White River
near Cotter, AR and the
beautiful Rainbow Bridge.
I have been there and it is
even more beautiful than this!

White River Photos by Bonnie Dean!

White River

Snapped this picture of the White River flying down I 40.
We met folks in Memphis, TN with Feist pups. They came
from GA, TN, and KY. Well, we crossed the White River.
Sorry, not too good of picture Patsy.
Patsy spoke on her blog about early settlers and Indians
poling the White River on rafts. They uses long poles and
would stick the pole in the mud and then move the raft.
I am sure they hadseveral polers (probably slaves). It
would make a slow means oftravel, but would be a way to
move cargo up stream. I had neverthought of what a hard
task it was to go upstrean until she madeher post. Going
south would have been a dream, but headingback up to
Cape Giradeau, Mo a nightmare! The Cape was a crossing
place for early settlers as was Memphis and Helena, AR.
But early the Indians went to Cape Giradeau, MO and then
traveled by land usually near the bank of a stream.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cedar Walls!

A friend in Texas sent me this picture of the walls
in their home. They cut this cedar off their land and
then had it milled and are putting it on the walls.
I bet it smells good in their den and there will not
be any moths!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Family Tree

I posted a poem here about our family tree. This tree
made me think of our tree which would look like this with
knots and disease. The poem was pretty I just thought
it up and put it up. Not much thinking or revising. Sister
Fleta, told it was bad...she often tells me stuff that I know
but don't say. Well, I told her to write a better one and
she did. Here it is.....
Once there were sisters 4,
Sister 1 was old and grouchy,
Sister 4 was clean and mouthy,
Sister 3 was sweet but boring,
But it is Sister 2 you'll find adoring...
Fleta Adored Sister 2
Then she decided that was not good enough and rewrote it to say.
Sisters Four
Sister 1 was smart and grouchy,
Sister 4 was clean and mouthy,
Sister 3 was sweet and boring,
But Sister 2 is MOST adoring...
You can see she does not want to rile up Old Sister...first she
saidPatsy was old and then she said smart. Notice she says 3
was sweet and 4 was clean and Patsy was smart, but she IS
ADORING which is of course, the biggest lie is in the
kicker line; however the poem is much better than mine
about our tree being full of nuts. So I am revising as Sister 2
said I should!
Which Sister is the BIGGEST Nut can
vote 1, 2, 3 or 4 on comments!!!
Sweet Sister Three...teehee

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Little Rock ~ Big Rock!

Little Rock said to Big Rock...
Can I rest here on your back a while?
Big Rock have been here for
1000s of years, will you be moving on
soon as you are getting a little heavy?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sam!!

Winnie's little Ninja has a birthday today.
I know he is her treasure of gold.
Worth more than anything!
A package of love to behold!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Remmel Fancher

It is nice to have Fleta to let me know
who had passed away. This man hauled
our milk from the farm to the refinery when
I was a little girl. Once Mom made me a
chocolate cake for my birthday in June. She
melted peppermint candy and added it
to the vanilla frosting. It was really good. I guess
I was 8 or 9 years old. I wanted to give the 'milk'
man a piece of my cake. I took him birthday cake
down at the old barn. He gave me a quarter for
my birthday. Later his wife befriended me and
made a difference in my life. I am going to his
graveside service tomorrow at Rule, AR. I
remember when I lived with his family, and he
came home from his long hauls in his yellow
Mayflower truck, he would grill steak and cook
pinto beans and a lot of other good food and we
celebrated his time at home. He helped me get my first car.
He was a good, quiet man.
I know his wife will be lonely without him!
I will surprise her tomorrow with my presence.

My Life's Treasure

The first 50 years of my life
I looked for treasures to love
In 2000, I turned 50
And many treasures started coming my way!