Sister, Patsy. She was getting well but not well. I
could tell each day by what she did not say on her
blog....then last week Helen shut up. I worried
quietly to myself all week. Something had to be
wrong with her. Saturday, I tried to call Sister
Fleta as I have that 'free long distance' thing
now. Fleta did not answer, but then she put
a comment on my blog. I called her two more
times, still no answer. Was she watching the
caller ID and not wanting to talk to me?
Well, Patsy says I should not worry about
so many things...like being fat, like what is
going to happen. She says you are fat so
just be ok. She says what is going to
happen will, so don't waste the time
worrying about it. Fleta was in Nebraska
Saturday posting on her and our blogs
with a lap top. They have wireless networks
in all the motels now. Helen was having a
great time with her long-friend, Rhea. They
were out and about and catching that stupid
movie about the pigs. Me---what was I doing
well, I was worrying of course, about Patsy,
Fleta and Helen. Oh, btw, I can tell Patsy is
doing really well. She is making quilts, tending
the chickens, and most of all griping about
the US Government!!! All is right with the
world today. My sisters are all doing good.
I love blogging because I can worry about
my sisters when ever I want to!!@!!
My hot water heater is out. My husband
will put in a new one day. I had to wash my
hair in COLD water~ouch! Then I remember
those days, Patsy, of carrying the water from
the spring and being happy just to have some
We're just worriers, I guess. I worry about my kids. My daughter is in Scotland this week, and she hadn't e-mailed me since she left. So, naturally, I got all bent out of shape last night, and worried. This morning, there was an email from her. Worrying works!
ReplyDeleteI hardly ever worry anymore. I just got tired of it.
ReplyDeleteI would have worried to if I was in your shoes. I am a worrier!
ReplyDeleteMaybe the worrying just proves you have a good imagination and can think up all kinds of things that COULD be wrong. Glad your sisters were all safe and having a good time.