
Friday, May 4, 2007

My Choice!

Patsy, put up her pick for President.
Here is mine! And I am votin' for them.


  1. Should have said, OH, GOLLY!

  2. You may be voting for them but your pick nor Patsy's, Obama will be elected Pres in 2008. The Dem. Party may be ready for them BUT the American public is just not ready for them yet.

  3. Sister, thanks for giving me a laugh with that picture. This is where you and I are not alike!

  4. That's a great composite photo. Did you do it? If so you have some good photoshop skills, Sister Three. If not, you have some good net searching skills. Either way, you're good.

    At this point I'm hoping our next President will be someone who will tend to the environment, to health care for the American people, to mending fences with the rest of the world.

  5. All jokes aside, I like O'bama, too. I just want rid of the president we have. I would like to see something done to help the middle class with health care. The poor get their care written off. The rich can pay. The middle class has a lasso around their neck.
    Sis 3
