
Friday, June 1, 2007

Library Card!

Two days ago, Astrid came up with a book
from the library. She was all excited....she
had her OWN library card. She said they
let her have 7 books. I hope they let Ingrid
have her own card too. Yesterday, Astrid
told me that her mother took her back by
the Russellville Library as she had read all
7 of her books. I know Astrid is a 'Sister'.
She already loves reading.

Today is my last day of classes. I have to go
back next week on Tuesday and Wednesday
and then I am going on June 18. This has been
a good year. One teacher retired from my school.
Now I am the oldest hired hand--35 years!


  1. Mackenzie has her own card. we keep it in a safe place at my house. she gets it out all of the time just to look at. We need to go to the library this weekend.

  2. My two girls had their own cards and lost them...when we would get ready to go...they'd say...can't find my library card. I could nto say much as I lose everything!
    Sis 3
