
Friday, August 3, 2007

Being Prepared!

Richard (you can see him in his overalls, a few
posts down) has always been a good provider for his
family and his wife Barbara has dedicated her
life to making a good home for them. They are
older now and I know Richard drives Barb crazy,
but I am glad they have each other.

Richard and Barbara Powell will have their 50th
wedding anniversery, Dec. 25, 2009. He already
has had this quilt made to honor the occasion.
When he showed it to me Barb had to tell him where
she put it. They are a team. Richard may have been
the Captain at one time, but now he is just first mate.
Barb, I sailing their ship. The steerage is tiresome I
know. She is a great sister-in-law.


  1. He loves all of us so.He especially loves his Sister Patsy because they grew up together. He tells me this every time I talk to him. He is a really good Brother. After he is gone who in his family is going to be left to tell the stories...I hope one of his kids do....I have always told my kids and Grandkids family stories...I hope they remember and tell their kids because they have not heard 1 story from the see side.

  2. Oh, Helen, thanks for these true. I wish Patsy would 'put up' with him again. I know he misses fussying with her.

  3. That's a beautiful quilt. It's good that you liked her since she has been in the family for 50 yrs.

  4. You tell the tale about how outsiders can come to be insiders - Barb is now full family to you.

  5. I can't imagine living with someone for 50 years, unless you're related to him by blood. lol
