
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Emperor's New Clothes~Sister's Old Ones!

Some folks love new clothes and I love old ones. I
am not going to wash these jean shorts again. They
are going in the trash. I have worn them out. I wear
out all clothes that don't get to tight. Can't stand
tight clothes. I like to wear the same thing with
the same thing. Like this shirt Laura or Erin gave
me with these shorts. I wore them together. Now
the shorts are worn out and I am sad. The shirt
is frayed around the neck, but I think I can wear it
2 or 3 more years.

I am not getting new school clothes. I will wear the
same things I wore last year. I can't wear the things
I wore 5 years ago now because I am too fat, but if
I were not I would still be wearing them.

I have a white pair of pants that I wear to church
that I bought Erin so she could be a helper at the
Hospital here when she was in the 9th grade (1994).
I cut a foot off the bottom because she is 6' tall and
I used to be 5'5".

I want to get Astrid and Ingrid some new school
clothes, but I like the feel of my old stuff. I love
shopping at the goodwill store, too. Those clothes
already have a good feel!


  1. if you would wash thoes cloths and patch you could wear them another year or so.

  2. I am bringing my shorts for you to fix.

  3. It took me a while to figure out what the Turnbo stories are. Now I realize what a treasure trove there is for me to explore. Did you buy them or are you going to the library to read them? I think I'd have to go downtown to the main Little Rock library to read these.

    Sister, you and I share an interest in well-worn clothes. I buy most all my jeans from resale shops - they're soft and ready for wear and they don't cost a whole paycheck either.

    Every now and again I gain or lose 10 pounds, enough to wear things that have been pushed to the back of the closet or drawers. So I hold on to old clothes so I'll always have something to wear, regardless whether I'm bigger or littler.

  4. Looks like this is where we differ! I love new clothes and I love to shop for new clothes. I also have some old ones to wear around the house but I really enjoy getting new things.

  5. I love old clothes, too. Especially nightclothes. I have been wearing the same two nighties for over five years, and there's still a lot of life in them.

  6. Larry and Laura both like new clothes...I don't really know why I don't but I just like things that are old and feel good!
