
Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Hillary

Hillary has a birthday today--Oct. 26. I
hope she will be such a great President that
we will get to stay home from work someday
because it is her birthday. I hope she will
remember the working people in our country.
I hope she will remember that she is not
queen...only president. I hope she will do
something about health care for all of us.
I hope the word WAR can move to a back
burner on the government stove!


  1. I'm ready for a change from what we've got now though I'm not so sure about Hillary. I think I want even bigger changes than she can bring - but then, of course, a candidate that would do what I want could never win!

  2. No, they would not win. Look at evil and choose the least evil one that can take a seat.

  3. she is by no means the least evil.she is a gun hater and i would never vote for her

  4. Well, I will vote for her and cancel your vote.

  5. ohhhhhhhhh, I wonder if that anonymous is my daughter Tina?
    It scares me to think that Hillary might win.

  6. I hope that whoever is elected will think of doing things for the people, rather than big industry, insurance companies, and pharmaceuticals. And, will be open and honest with the people, even if the news is bad.
