
Monday, October 22, 2007

New Reading Material for Patsy

Patsy, two guys dropped these off Saturday. I can
send them your way if you want to read them. Remember
these guys coming by and Daddy sitting for hours
debating subjects with them. Most folks hide when
they see them coming up the road but he was happy
to have a good you!


  1. I'm one of the ones who hide when they come by.

  2. But you have to give them credit, they are determined to do their calling.........

    How do "we" go about spreading our faith? Not like they do.

  3. that is true Andrea, they do try to spread the word. they like it when you hide. i went to one of their meeting one time and before the service took up they stood around tell about their saturday adventures and i could tell they really enjoyed the hiding.
