
Sunday, January 27, 2008

March Coming

All the month of March I have FEDERAL jury duty.
I have had local jury duty twice, but never Federal.
I will have to travel to Little Rock when called that
month. They will pay me 40 dollars plus milage.
I looked all through the form, and there was no way
to get out of it. I am not supposed to have to go more
than 4 times unless, I am chosen for duty and I will
have to attend the entire trial. When I had local duty,
I always knew the folks on trial and was dismissed.
Most the younger folks, I had taught...I will not be
as lucky in Little Rock. I am hoping Larry will go with
me and read while I am in court.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a beautiful picture. You should have saved it for sky watch. You could delete this post and put it oup again Friday.


  3. Well, doubt I will do that as I am using your two trees for that day.teehee

  4. you could go see annie if you know where she lives and she doesn't go on vacation again.

  5. Yes, that would be neat. Why don't you and Annie arrange to meet.
    Your picture is very nice and would make a great sky watch picture. I'm wondering how many more clouds, suns, and moons we can all tolerate. lol

  6. If you do have to serve, I hope it will be a very interesting trial.

    Yes indeed, we could meet when you are in L.R. I'd love to take you out for coffee or lunch or show you some sights or whatever you'd like. Send me an email if you'd like to get together. I don't have any more vacations planned until April.

  7. I think it is a privledge to serve. You should be honered. Maybe get a metal.


  8. I stole this pic and I am using it as my desktop background at work. Where did you get the pic?

