
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Been Hearin'

The Insurance companies don't want a government plan to compete against is what they are saying. And on the other hand...been hearin' any government plan would be no good. I think a single pay government plan is my only hope to be able to retire and have insurance between the age of 62 an 65. With what I have been hearin', my hope for any government plan is dimming. This year I got a 70 dollar raise each month. I don't get the step in pay for my experience. My experience is so much (37 years) it is now worthless. My insurance will rise more thant the $70
each has been going up each year.

One plan they are putting forth is to force everyone to buy insurance....sort of like car insurance went...I guess if you get stopping walking down the street without an insurance will get hauled to jail.

I don't have a lot of faith in any help with health insurance from anyone. The medical/health lobby is too strong.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy got a $100 raise for the whole year next year, and reitrement is jumping from 13% to 15%. She will be in the hole.
