
Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ignorance-= it - what you know about it! Sometimes I am in the negative on this equation.

Old Friends

October is here tomorrow. It is a month of Halloween and pumpkins and pulling out warmer clothes. It was a hot, hot summer and last winter was cold, cold. I hope we have a mild winter this year.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going to be a Chicken Man

Clayton likes chickens. He had his picture taken with some at the Boone County Fair. He came to see Gigi this weekend and chased my chickens yelling, 'catch 'em'. Around and around the pen he went and then inside the pen where he fell in chicken poop. Erin was not happy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Big Day for Brother

Sixty Six but who's counting
Well, all the sisters are
because Brother is older
This day by far!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Fall is here but Summer still is trying to hold us hostage.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mississippi and Tennessee

Bottom photo is the Mississippi and the top is the Tennessee River. The Mississippi was larger but the Tennessee was no little stream. We crossed the Arkansas and White Rivers going to Nashville. I thought of the pioneers coming to Arkansas and having to cross these Rivers. They had to come across on a ferry. There is no way to cross the Mississippi with a wagon and team I do not believe.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fast trip and New teeth!

Larry and I went to Nashville, TN and back in one today. We left at 4:00 AM and got home at 5:30 PM. Whew I am bushed. Why did we go? To pick up a litter of pups this gentleman had for us. He has one of our dogs and we lost a dog last winter. So this little dog is going to replace the one we lost and the extra ones we have sold. We waited in Memphis, TN for a gentleman from Mississippi to get his pup. Anyway Wayne told the funniest story was the kind of tale the sisters will love.

Wayne's Mom and dad traveled from Georgia up to South Carolina when they were old and each got a new set of false teeth. The place would make them in one day. You had impressions made and waited and that very day you got your teeth. Wayne's mom and dad had false teeth already and these were a new sets. Well, when they got home Wayne said his Dad was in the bathroom with a knife whittling on his teeth. After all that trouble, they did not even fit. Neither one of them could even wear their new teeth!! Sad, sad. Well, until they discovered, mom had dad's teeth and dad had mom's teeth. Whey they exchanged sets they fit just fine!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's This

Patsy, someone sent this picture saying their Feist treed it. Wondered what it was. Larry thought it was a "deer mouse'. what do you think?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

After the rain...

After we received rain, our grass is coming back. How quickly it goes without water. Just like human life, water is needed over all else.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day of Rest

I am resting here today. About once a month, I have to get a sub and stay home to recoup. It is a nice cool morning. I am enjoying it. Hope Pat and Helen are having a good cup of coffee. Fleta is busy with papers at work, I am sure.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Red Headed Woman

Laura wanted a phone like Erin's so the 3 angels stayed here while Eric and she went to pick it out. Well, hope you will note that Siggie and Ingrid are drawing great pictures of the red headed birthday girl.