
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Going to be a Chicken Man

Clayton likes chickens. He had his picture taken with some at the Boone County Fair. He came to see Gigi this weekend and chased my chickens yelling, 'catch 'em'. Around and around the pen he went and then inside the pen where he fell in chicken poop. Erin was not happy.


  1. He looks much better right side up. Did Siggy fix it for you?

  2. After it loaded side ways, I deleted the photo, but I think the blogger recalled the name and pulled the picture up from the previous load. When I gave the picture a new name and loaded it. It fixed it.

  3. He insisted on praying for your chickens and dogs tonight. I was feeling too poorly to argue.

  4. No wonder the chickens and dogs are doing well.
