
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Clayton is going to school soon!

Clayton is going to school starting about the middle of Jan. He will teach them a lot. The school is a Montessori School! It sounds like they 'keep watch'. Well, that is a good thing. They had better not let Son have any screw drivers or pliers or they will have stuff taken apart!
Ingrid told the children at school that she did not know Sigrid. She was not her sister. Siggie calls her sisters names like-- da__ed pi__ers. I don't know where in the world she gets her ability to tell a good tale and calling people names that describe the way they act!

The Montessori method is an approach to educating children based on the research and experiences of Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori (1870–1952). It arose essentially from Dr. Montessori's discovery of what she referred to as "the child's true normal nature" in 1907,[1] which happened in the process of her experimental observation of young children given freedom in an environment prepared with materials designed for their self-directed learning activity.[2] The method itself aims to duplicate this experimental observation of children to bring about, sustain and support their true natural way of being.[3]

Applying this method involves the teacher in viewing the child as having an inner natural guidance for his or her own perfect self-directed development.[4] The role of the teacher (sometimes called director, directress, or guide) is therefore to watch over the environment to remove any obstacles that would interfere with this natural development. The teacher's role of observation sometimes includes experimental interactions with children, commonly referred to as "lessons," to resolve misbehavior or to show how to use the various self-teaching materials that are provided in the environment for the children's free use.[5]


  1. We've been talking about doing what the teacher says and not hitting, kicking, throwing toys and biting.

  2. Hold on, by the description of that teaching method he will be allowed to do as he wishes and the teacher is only there to remove any thing that will cause him harm at least that was what I read.
    If he is acting out by throwing things, biting and such he may feel a little left out since we have a new baby.
    when tony was a baby Kelly who was a year and one month older suddently one day was unable to walk I took him to the hospital and after searching for a reason I found that the reason was he wanted to be carried like his 6 month old brother was. you have the most precious boy so I an sure he will be fine. some times we as adults want to kick, bite and throw our toys too and we sure would like to hit some times.

  3. Patsy, Clayton acts out a little. He rarely bites. Usually its just because he's pretending he's eating us. He does hit some but nothing serious. He is a good boy.

  4. Benjamin used to bite from about 6-9 months....Missy always said he bit because he was frustrated and could not communicate his thoughts. and it is true when he learned to talk better he quiet all of the biting and would just tell you off.He used to come at poor little amanda from clear across the room with his head sticking foward and showing his teeth. He looked like a horse getting ready to bite. Often I was able to get ahold of him first but he did bite her several times. He bit me he bit his Mom. He did it when he was mad.

    I'm sure Little Clayton is acting out a bit because his world has changed so much. The granny that always looked after him now has a sick hubby. You have been home and then comes this 'Little sister' which is about as much fun to play with as a rock. Well I doubt if clayton even thinks she is as much fun as a rock.
