
Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Will February Bring?

I am thinking of planting those seed potatoes I bought. Granny planted hers on February 14. The picture below was taken in February. What will come next month--well, I don't have a clue but today I will have a little bit of spring. Weatherman says it the gauge will climb to almost 70.

Talked to Clayton last night...before getting him on the phone....I could hear him saying "Momma, you will come and get me won't you?" I knew he was speaking of his daycare. I hope to be able to drive to Pelsor and get him some this summer--meet up with Momma there--and be his a few days. This is a prayer in my heart. Erin says "don't ask" for selfish stuff as the Lord is busy, but pooey on her! I am praying every night that Clayton will call this summer and say, "Pop, come and get me!" Pop will be out the door in a jiffy!


  1. erin you are getting there fast! I hope febuary bring warm days and warn nights.
    I am alway happy to see jauary gone. I think a person could easly die in January.
