
Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling Much Better

This month we hope to get the roof fixed on our little house. The roof on our house has very little pitch and we have rotting around the eaves. We are having someone who did work for us over 25 years ago...come and replace all the wood with siding. I am excited.

I feel so much better. It is like a cloud has lifted. I did not realize how sick I was. I think my system was totally poisoned. I am hopeful to have more energy than before. My side is not hurting as badly as before. I am on the mend.

Patsy is usually right. Over 30 years ago...I had a bad episode with my gallbladder. It was the pain attack like Daddy had. I could not stand and thought I would have to go to the emergency room and then it passed and my life continued on. I am sure it was a stone in a duct. I would think it would take 30 years for my body to make 1000s of stones and a gallbladder 10 times its normal size.

I am looking forward to feeling better. I was so tired. Well, Erin says that is the anemia. My iron prescription is at Walgreens and I will get it and start taking it.


  1. GOOD! Soon you will be waring red shoes just like mine..

  2. I am looking on the internet for red shoes and a purple dress.
