
Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's a Bird eat Bird world?

I watched the poor Red bird get booted from his feeder by a red headed woodpecker. The Red bird is smart and waits and watches until Woody moves on. I filled the feeder right before the storm and am so thankful as lots of birds have come to dinner here. Yesterday a flock of black birds lit and cleaned the ground where the others had dropped their crumbs.

The weather man says next week I might plant those red potatoes. Larry is going to get onion sets at the Co-op. I want to plant a bunch because I am dreaming of getting to eat them with cornbread and buttermilk after this nasty stopped up gallbladder is vacuumed from me.
The smart Red bird is hiding behind the feeder. Even in the bird world it's a bird eat bird mentality.

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