
Monday, February 7, 2011


Helen, spoke of Fleta weaving along. I noticed coming back in the snow that my tracks s'ed along like a snake. I am happy that I can enjoy my coffee again. I will not know about my surgery until after Feb. 17 when I go to see the surgeon.

I have to stay at school until 9:00 this evening for conferences. I am sure I will be really tired tomorrow.

I have had a stack of books in this snow. The best was about the dna of men of the Isles. I really enjoyed reading it and wish I could find more about DNA. I have been reading some on the internet. The Christian site says all the evolutionist have the age of man wrong. All the mdna goes back to one female. The Christian site says it is Noah's wife. Anyhow, I think the dna knowledge is so interesting. It holds the key to who you are, completely.

One of my books was about medical myths and facts. It was co-authored by a liver specialist. Drink coffee to protect your liver; 6 cups a day has proven in lots of studies to cleanse the liver and stop cirrhosis. Coffee has other benefits too. Including lowering the incidence of heart attack and stroke. Lower colon cancer. So drink up. Aspirin is the other miracle drug. Take one a day.

It has snowed here, but is above freezing so I will be off to work soon.

Fleta, will you fix the misspelled email address at the picture site. I want to download some of the old pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can't walk straight in the snow.
    I should live a long time. I drink 4 cups of coffee a day and take an aspirin.
