Cha...Cha...Cha.... how cute...Benjamin, Amanda, and Siggy are all 6 now...Billy's girl, Lexi came over last evening. We are having a birthday party for her on the 16th. She will be 3. I am making the cake. She must have heard someone talk about it cause she got out of the car , "Hi, Granny, Where's my Happy Birthday?' I tried to explain it was not time yet but she searched the whole house going, "Where's my Happy Birthday?'
Cha...Cha...Cha.... how cute...Benjamin, Amanda, and Siggy are all 6 now...Billy's girl, Lexi came over last evening. We are having a birthday party for her on the 16th. She will be 3. I am making the cake. She must have heard someone talk about it cause she got out of the car , "Hi, Granny, Where's my Happy Birthday?' I tried to explain it was not time yet but she searched the whole house going, "Where's my Happy Birthday?'