
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Duke Whalebone's Testemony

Duke Whalebone followed his father's lifestyle. Here he testifies against Irish Nell. It is one of my favorite of the Old Bailey records about the Whalebones. Duke's nickname was Dumplin and I think he was a happy sort!

51. Eleanor Willford was indicted for feloniously receiving the same, knowing them to be stolen .

Elizabeth Wingfield. On the 9th of January about 8 at Night, I was in a back Room, behind my Shop, at (Lime-house , by Dick's-Shore) and I heard the Sash shove up; I came out and found all the Goods which lay in the Window were gone.

Duke Whalebone , otherwise Dumplin. This John Busk , and one Bird, and myself committed this Robbery: Busk shoved up the Sash, and Bird ran away with a Bundle of blue Bird-ey'd, and a Bundle of Copper coloured Handkerchiefs, a Bundle of white Linnen, and a Bundle of chequ'd Linnen. We sold them to Elen. Willford for 7s - we call her Irish Nell.

Ellen Willford . Ask him if he sold me the Goods, or took the Money for them?

D. Whalebone, Busk, and Bird's Wife sold them to her for 7s.

Holderness. Lawrence the Constable on the other side of the Water, had been looking after Dumpling, and he desired me to seize him if I should see him. While I was at work in Leaden-hall-street, I thought I saw him go by; I went after him, and charged him with stealing a shew Glass, he desired to be made an Evidence and put Busk into an Information. I went to Kent street to look for him, as I had been directed, and searched the House, but could not find him: at last we made a Woman who was sitting in the Chimney Corner get up, and found Busk upon his Hands and Knees under the Woman's Petticoats; she had been sitting upon his Back. When he was carryed to the Constable, he desired to be made an Evidence: I told him I would speak to Lawrence about it, if he could do any thing to save his Life: Lawrence would do nothing without the Advice of Justice Lade; he admitted Dumpling to be an Evidence, and then Busk cryed, G - d - my Eyes I shall be jamm'd this time; I wish I might either lye in Jayl, or be transported, but I shall be jamm'd now. He mentioned this Robbery, but could not remember the Particulars, and confessed he had knocked a Boy down in Ratcliff-high way, and took his Hat.

Pris. Busk. 'Tis the Practice of these Thief-takers to take up young Fellows, make them drunk, and get them to say what they would have them, that they may take their Lives away for the sake of the Reward.

Pris. Willford. I never laid out a Half-penny with these Creatures in my Life.

- Mitchell. I know Willford has a very ill Character, and has been tryed before this, at Kingston Assizes.

D. Whalebone. I have sold Irish Nell a great many stolen Goods. On the 30th of January I sold her a Coat for 6 s. I took it from a Coach-Box, and she knew I made it; and on the 1st of February, she bought a Looking-Glass, and gave me 6 s. for that.

Busk was acquitted of the Burglary, and found guilty of the Felony . Eleanor Willford guilty, 4 s. 10 d.

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