
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sigrid--My Entertainment

Siggie comes over because she has no place to go...Sisters have friends and go to their houses and they come over, but Siggie says her Mother says she is too little to stay all night with anyone but Pop and Gigi. Also, when they have friends over or go to the friend's house, Siggie comes to her friend's house--we enjoy having her. She will help with the pups. Pull grass for the chickens. She loves chickens.

In this picture Siggie is doing what she calls a 'soft' dance. I don't know what that is but she says she is really good at soft dancing!

She told me last week that she can not hear and she can not see. She has new glasses so she can see. The frames are black. I have asked her to wear them to my house but she says...she forgot them in her room. She ran into the door over here today and may have a black eye. She said--Gigi, I told you I could not see! She read a chapter to me today in the "Golly Sisters". She can read really well. This book has some pretty big words like 'wonderful' and 'river' and 'welcome'. Those are complicated words for someone who has not started grade 1. I wish I had remembered to ask Siggie how she saw the words in the book! Well, maybe tomorrow!

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