
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pioneer Woman Meets Red Headed Gal

Laura and Erin have traveled to OK this weekend to hear and meet the Pioneer Woman! I don't know much about her but I think Helen will know who she is.


  1. She was admiring my hair in this pic. I have better ones. I will post when I get home.

  2. i did a google and now i know who she is.

  3. Erin came by on her way home. She said Pioneer Woman did go on and on about Laura's pretty hair.

    I have horrible hair and before Laura and Erin were born I prayed they would not have hair like me. God answers prayers is all I can say.

  4. I'm one of the biggest fans ever of Pioneer Woman. Absolutely love her, and she is a kind person. At least she has always been nice to me.
