
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tornado 1927 Green Forest

This shows Green Forest March 18, 1927. 40 homes were destroyed that day and over 100 structures were damaged. 19 were killed and 90 injured. Was this the storm that blew Grandparents Powell's house away and they lived in the chicken house while they got it rebuilt?

1 comment:

  1. i think so. daddy would have been 12 in 27 and his memory of the storm was clear.
    grandpa maintained there was no reason to run from a storm if it was going to get you it would.He told the story of as family who built a cellar right out the back door , a man and his mother and they were blown away just out side thier door trying to get into the cellar.
    grandpa had this big hole in his back yard with trees growing in it that were at least 10 feet tall. This was a cellar he was digging and never finished, I think while he was digging the cellar this couple were blown away and he decided it was wasted effortthe family called this grandpa's hole and teased him about it.
