
Thursday, March 7, 2013


 While Larry plowed, I dug some of the grass from around the edge of my garden.    Then, I gave it to the chickens.  They were so happy.  I bet I get a bunch of eggs tomorrow.  I got 9 today.
 You can see this nasty grass near the edge of the garden.  I think it is crab grass.  Anyhow, I want to get it out of the garden this year.  Larry went to his shop and got a big barrel. He is going to mix grass/weed killer and fill up the barrel.  Then, as I want I am going to spray around the edge.  We have a big sprayer but it is a day long job getting it all ready and spraying.  I think with the little sprayer the wind will not move the killer as easy and it will work better.

 You can see my chickens loved the grass.  Patsy that dark red chicken is the only one of the big chickens I have left of what you gave me.  The two lighter colored ones are cherry eggers and the nurse at school gave them to me two years ago.  I only have 2 left and I link she gave me 7 or 8.  They do not live as long as Banties.  If you click on the photo, you can see my Welsummer banties.  I think I have 8 of them.  I have about 10 of the old farm banties.  They are my favorite.  I have the one rooster and he is about 8 years old.  I need a young rooster and will watch the farm swap here and try to get some new chickens this year.  I like those big red hens because they lay an egg almost everyday...even in the winter.

 You can see from the second picture from the top shows Larry tilled about a third of my garden and turned the rest.  The part he turned looked so good.  I was silently wishing he would turn it all.  I guess after 43 years of marriage we think sort of alike as he decided to turn it all over.  Tomorrow he will till up at least part of it for me to plant.
 His Kubota tractor really can turn the soil.  I am really proud we have it.  It is really handy and dependable. He used the money out of the 85 blue Ford tractor we had had since about 1988 to buy this one.  It is just so much more modern.  He says it's much easier to use.  Old blue did a good job though and after we had owned it 20 plus years we were able to sell it for almost what we paid for it.  Of course though, Larry takes excellent care of all our stuff!

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