
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Working Outside

 Larry and I both worked outside.   I dug up Jonquils along the fence and put them into this flower bed.  You can see that they were not blooming and maybe it was because they were too thick or the area was too shady.

 This flower bed shows my Day Lilies--Forgotten Dreams--they are coming on good.
 While I worked in the flowers, Larry rebuilt this Martin house for Sigrid.  Siggie's house is near trees and the Martins may not come, but I am sure some bird will.  And it is a pretty open area so she may have Martins this year.

When she came home from school she called him immediately when she saw her bird house.  I am sure she is pleased.  Larry decided it was 'cockeyed' and after I took these photos he went back over and worked on it some.  He said it looked better after his adjustment.  The house was green, but he went to Walmart and bought red paint for plastic and upgraded the outside.  This house was broken in two places but he fixed that with slim board and screws.  I think it looks good.

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